Sunday, May 31, 2015

JNTUA R7410506-Mobile Computing 2011 Question Paper

Question Paper Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University , Anantapur
B.Tech Regular & Supplementary Examination , Nov/Dec 2011
Fourth year
First Semester
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
R7410506-Mobile Computing
(Regulation 2007)

Code: R7410506
IV B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular & Supplementary Examinations, November/December 2011
(Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology & Electronics & Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1 (a) Briefly explain the architecture of a mobile communications.
(b) Explain the security services offered by GSM system.
2 Write a short notes on
i) SDMA.
ii) FDMA.
iii) TDMA.
iv) CDMA.
3 Briefly explain about mobile ad-hoc networks and its routing protocols.
4 Give a detailed presentation on traditional TCP.
5 (a) Discuss the various factors which improve the cache performance.
(b) Discuss the various transactional models.
6 Discuss the selective tuning (indexing) techniques.
7 Explain any two routing algorithms in mobile Ad hoc networks.
8 (a) What is a user scenario of Bluetooth?
(b) Explain wireless application protocol architecture.

Code: R7410506
IV B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular & Supplementary Examinations, November/December 2011
(Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology & Electronics & Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1 (a) Define user mobility, device portability and give a communication device characteristics.
(b) Briefly explain the system architecture of a GSM system.
2 (a) Define TDM and explain classical Aloha scheme.
(b) Define CDMA and explain spread Aloha multiple access scheme.
3 (a) Explain the goals, assumptions and requirements of a mobile IP.
(b) Explain the client initialization via DHCP.
4 Write a short notes on:
i) Congestion control.
ii) Transmission/Time-out freezing.
iii) Selective retransmission.
iv) Transaction-oriented TCP.
5 (a) Explain the caching invalidation mechanisms.
(b) Discuss the quality of service issues.
6 List and discuss the new data delivery mechanisms.
7 Discuss the spectrum of MANET applications.
8 Explain the Bluetooth concept along with user scenarios.

Code: R7410506
IV B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular & Supplementary Examinations, November/December 2011
(Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology & Electronics & Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1 (a) List and discuss some examples of mobile and wireless devices which increases the device
(b) Explain the protocol architecture of GSM with signaling protocols.
2 (a) Whether it is possible to use elaborated MAC schemes in the wireless networks? Explain with
near and far terminals.
(b) Explain the code division multiple access (CDMA) systems.
3 Write a short notes on
i) Agent advertisement.
ii) IP-in IP encapsulation.
iii) IPV6.
4 (a) Explain about snooping TCP and give advantages and disadvantages of snooping TCP.
(b) Write about the transaction-oriented TCP.
5 (a) Briefly explain about transactional models.
(b) Write a short note on query processing.
6 (a) Write about push-based mechanisms.
(b) Write the concepts of selective indexing techniques.
7 Define routing and explain any two routing algorithms in mobile Ad hoc networks.
8 Explain the WAP protocol architecture.

Code: R7410506
IV B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular & Supplementary Examinations, November/December 2011
(Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology & Electronics & Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1 (a) List and discuss the applications of a mobile communications.
(b) Why cellular systems require handover procedures? Explain it.
2 (a) Whether it is possible to use elaborated MAC schemes in wireless networks? Explain with hidden and exposed terminals.
(b) Explain the frequency division multiple access (FDMA).
3 (a) Discuss the fundamental differences between wired networks and ad-hoc wireless networks
related to routing.
(b) Explain the concept of Flat ad-hoc routing protocol and give its advantages.
4 (a) Write the goals to increase TCP’s performance in wireless and mobile environment.
(b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of mobile TCP.
5 (a) Explain about power-aware and content-aware computing.
(b) Write about query processing.
6 Write about pull-based mechanism.
7 Briefly explain about MANET and write the properties of a MANET.
8 Explain the Bluetooth concept along with networking and security.
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