2010 SRM University M.C.A Operating System (mca degree exam JAN 2010 Question paper Free Collection:-
SRM University
MCA Degree Course
2010 Question Paper
Time:3 hours
Max Marks:100
PART-A [10*2=20 Marks]
1.Differentiate symmetric and asymmetric multiprocessing.
2.What are the advantage of virtual machines?
3.What are the differences between short term and long term schedules?
4.What is dispatcher? Write its functions.
5.What is semaphore? What are the types of semaphore?
6.How will you recover the system from deadlock?
7.Differentiate logical address space and physical address space.
8.What is memory mapped I/O and programmed I/O?
9.What is the use of consistency semantic?
10.Write down the difference between SCAN and Look disk scheduling methods?
PART-B [5*16=80 Marks]
11. Explain in detail about the different operating system structures.
12. Explain the following with an example for each
(i) Preemptive scheduling
(ii) Non-preemptive scheduling
13.Explain how will you find a solution to the dining philosophers problems using
(i)Semaphore (ii)Monitors
14.Explain Banker's algorithm with an example.
15.Describe the following techniques.
(i) Hierarchical paging
(ii) Segmentation memory management scheme
16.Discuss in detail about demand paging.
17. Explain the following:
(i) Disk Management
(ii) swap space Management
SRM University
MCA Degree Course
2010 Question Paper
Time:3 hours
Max Marks:100
PART-A [10*2=20 Marks]
1.Differentiate symmetric and asymmetric multiprocessing.
2.What are the advantage of virtual machines?
3.What are the differences between short term and long term schedules?
4.What is dispatcher? Write its functions.
5.What is semaphore? What are the types of semaphore?
6.How will you recover the system from deadlock?
7.Differentiate logical address space and physical address space.
8.What is memory mapped I/O and programmed I/O?
9.What is the use of consistency semantic?
10.Write down the difference between SCAN and Look disk scheduling methods?
PART-B [5*16=80 Marks]
11. Explain in detail about the different operating system structures.
12. Explain the following with an example for each
(i) Preemptive scheduling
(ii) Non-preemptive scheduling
13.Explain how will you find a solution to the dining philosophers problems using
(i)Semaphore (ii)Monitors
14.Explain Banker's algorithm with an example.
15.Describe the following techniques.
(i) Hierarchical paging
(ii) Segmentation memory management scheme
16.Discuss in detail about demand paging.
17. Explain the following:
(i) Disk Management
(ii) swap space Management
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