Saturday, May 30, 2015

Sathyabama University BE 511507-512507-6C010-6CPT0013 System Programming Nov 2010

Register Number

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

Course & Branch: B.E/B.Tech-CSE/DCS/IT/P-IT
Title of the Paper: System Programming               Max. Marks: 80
Sub. Code: 511507-512507-6C010-6CPT0013   Time: 3 Hours
Date: 27/11/2010                                                    Session: FN

PART - A                (10 X 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions
1.     What is the advantage of assembly language over HLL?

2.     Specify the format for assembly language.

3.     Define lexical expansion.

4.     What is a relocation bit?

5.     Define finite automata.

6.     List any two functions of lexical analyzer.

7.     What is predictive parsing?

8.     Bring out the use of syntax trees.

9.     What are the applications of DAG?

10.   Define data flow equations.
PART – B                        (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions
11.   Explain the 2 pass assembler with an algorithm.
12.   Describe the machine independent features of assembler.
13.   Write a macro that moves 8 numbers from the first 8 positions of an array specified as the first operand into first 8 position of an array specified as the second operand.
14.   With an example, discuss the design of a linker.

15.   Discuss the role of lexical analyzer with the possible error recovery actions.
16.   What is left recursion? Give an algorithm to eliminate left recursion from a grammar.

17.   Consider the grammar given below
        E ->E+T
        Construct an LR Parsing table for above grammar. Give moves of LR parser on id*id+id.
18.   Construct Predictive Parsing table for the following grammar:
                L->L, S/S
                and check whether the following sentences belong to that
                grammar or not.
        (i)    (a,a)
        (ii)   (a,(a,a))
        (iii)  (a,((a,a),(a,a)))

19.   Describe the principal sources of optimization.
20.   What is induction variable? Give an algorithm for elimination of induction variable.

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