Register Number
(Established under
section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)
Course & Branch:
Title of the Paper: Circuit
Theory Max.
Marks: 80
Sub. Code: 6C0026-613PT101-6CPT0024
Time: 3 Hours
Date: 09/12/2010 Session:
- A (10 X 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions
1. Find
the Current in 4W Resistor.
2. What
is the condition for maximum power transfer in DC and AC circuit?
3. How does an inductor act at t=0 and t=a
4. A
resistance of 50 ohms and an inductance 0.03H are connected in series with a
voltage source of 10V, find the time constant of the circuit.
5. Determine
the Resonance frequency for the RLC series circuit, R=10, L=0.5mH, C=10mf.
6. Draw
the Voltage Response across each element in RL series current, when it is
subjected to constant DC voltage.
7. Mention the relation between “Twigs and
8. What do you mean by “Graph and Path”?
9. Mention the application of PSPICE.
10. Define – Fourier analyses.
(5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions
11. What
should be the value of RL in given fig such that maximum power
transfer occur from source to load, find the power occurs RL load.
12. Using
Thevenin thermo, find the current through (2+2j)W impedance in fig.
13. If
the initial voltage stored in the capacitor is zero volts, find Vc in the
circuit of fig. The figure represents the circuit condition at t=0+
14. Find
the current in a series RL circuit having R=2W and L= 10H while a D.C voltage of 100 v is applied.
What is the value of this current after 5 sec of switching ON?
15. Two
coupled coils have self inductance L1=50 mH and L2=70mH.
The coefficient of coupling K being 0.065 in the air. Find voltage in the
second coil and the flux of the first coil provided the second coil has 500
turns and the circuit current is given by i1=5sin314 t.
16. A
current source having an internal resistance of 10KW feeds back a tank circuit containing a coil having
Lc=200mH, Rc=10W in parallel to capacitor of 100mF. Find the frequency of resonance and Q factor.
17. A
resistive network in show in fig. set up corresponding tie – set matrix and
obtains KVL equation.
18. Draw
the oriented graph of the figures shown in fig. also contains the fundamental
cut set matrix.
19. Explain
in detail the design and various implementation steps for transient analyses of
RLC circuit.
20. Explain
in detail the design and various implementation steps for series RC resonance
circuit analyses.
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