Register Number
(Established under
section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)
Course & Branch: B.E - CSE
Title of the Paper: Component Based Technologies Max.
Marks: 80
Sub. Code: 6C0103 Time: 3 Hours
Date: 02/09/2010 Session: FN
A (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions
1. Write the types of Enterprise Java Beans.
2. What is the meant by IDL Interface?
3. List the advantages of using factory.
4. Define Transactions.
5. Give
the functionality of POA manager and Servants in POA architecture.
6. Compare
DII and IDL stub.
7. What is the need for distributed Object
8. What is object caching?
9. Give
the purpose of GUID and CLSID.
10. Write
the two ways of attaining Component reusability in COM.
PART – B (5
x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions
11. (a) Explain the usage of setter / getter
properties used in
(b) Explain how marshalling helps to provide
between two objects.
between two objects.
12. What
is the need for a Software Component? Briefly explain the working of COM and
13. (a) Explain the role of brokers played in
(b) Explain what happens when an event is
triggered using
Event Driven Programming?
Event Driven Programming?
14. How
Concurrency is maintained in the Server Object? Explain in detail.
15. (a) What
is IDL? Explain with syntax to represent modules and
(b) Explain
any one services provided by CORBA.
16. Write
a CORBA program to display the message “This is my first CORBA program”.
Explain the methods and classes used in this program.
17. Explain
the following:
(a) Object migration
(b) Query processing
18. “Transaction
Management is key feature of distributed object DBMS”. With justification,
explain the above statements.
19. Explain the
methods used in IUnknown Interface with proper syntax. Also write a program to
find the square of a number.
20. (a) Explain CoCreateInstance ( ),
CoGetClassObject( ) and
IClassFactory used to make a client to interact with DLL. (8)
IClassFactory used to make a client to interact with DLL. (8)
(b) Explain the working principle of DCOM. (4
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