Friday, May 29, 2015

Sathyabama University BE Dual CSE 6C0062 Software Engineering Nov 2010

Register Number

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

Course & Branch: B.E –Dual CSE
Title of the Paper: Software Engineering              Max. Marks: 80
Sub. Code: 6C0062                                                 Time: 3 Hours
Date: 29/11/2010                                                    Session: FN

PART - A                (10 X 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions

1.     What are the five generic process framework activities?

2.     What do you mean by CMMI and mention the various levels of CMMI.

3.     State the various views of a System Engineering hierarchy.

4.     Draw a CRC index card for an Internet café.

5.     What is Transform mapping?

6.     List the golden rules in the interface design.

7.     Differentiate Verification and Validation.

8.     Mention the fundamental characteristics of Testing.

9.     What do you mean by Forward and Reverse Engineering?

10.   Write down the constraints for a review meeting?

PART – B                       (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions
11.   (a)    Explain the Water fall model. Why does the water fall
        model sometimes fail?
        (b)   Explain the (i) Incremental Model         (ii) Spiral Model.
12.   Explain the Software Project Management Metrics, Estimation and Planning in detail. 

13.   (a)    Explain the Seven distinct functions of Requirement
        Engineering Process.
(b)   Write down the questions to be asked by a Requirement Engineer.
14.   Develop Behavioral and context level model (level 0,1,2 DFD) for safe home security function. Write a context level processing narrative for the system.

15.   Explain the various Design concepts and the elements of an Design model.
16.   Describe the different architectural styles and architectural pattern of Data design.

17.   Explain Object Constraint Language and Z-Specification language in detail.
18.   What are the various testing strategies of software testing? Discuss them briefly.

19.   Describe the software Reengineering process model with a relevant example.
20.   Explain in detail about Software Configuration Management.

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