SRM University Question Paper 2011
Seventh Semester
PART-A (10*2 = 20 Marks)
1. Distinguish between active and passive attacks.
2. What is traffic analysis?
3. List the advantages of CTR mode
4. What primitive operations are used in RC5?
5. Mention the merits of digital signature
6. Define: Weak collision property of hash function
7. Illustrate X.509 certificate general format
8. What services are provided by IPsec?
9. What is honeypot?
10.List the design goals of firewall.
PART-B (5*16=80 Marks)
11.a.i Discuss in detail about Hill Cipher. (10 Marks)
ii Write short notes on Stegnography. (6 Marks)
b. Describe DES and all its essential aspects. (16 Marks)
12.a.i Explain IDEA algorithm in detail (10 Marks)
ii Write about Cipher block chaining mode operation (6 Marks)
b. Discus in detail the different ways of distribution of public keys (16 Marks)
13.a. Briefly explain Diffie Hellmen key exchange with an example (16 Marks)
b.i Briefly explain digital signal algorithm (8 Marks)
ii Discuss clearly about secure hash algorithm (8 Marks)
14.a.i What is Kerberos? Explain the Kerberos version 4 in detail (10 Marks)
ii Draw the IP Sec authentication header and explain briefly (6 Marks)
b. Discuss transmission and reception of PGP messages with required flow diagram (16 Marks)
15.a. Define: Intrusion detection and the different types of detection mechanisms in detail (16 Marks)
b. i Explain firewalls and how they prevent intrusion? (12 Marks)
ii Explain the concept of reference monitor (4 Marks)
Seventh Semester
PART-A (10*2 = 20 Marks)
1. Distinguish between active and passive attacks.
2. What is traffic analysis?
3. List the advantages of CTR mode
4. What primitive operations are used in RC5?
5. Mention the merits of digital signature
6. Define: Weak collision property of hash function
7. Illustrate X.509 certificate general format
8. What services are provided by IPsec?
9. What is honeypot?
10.List the design goals of firewall.
PART-B (5*16=80 Marks)
11.a.i Discuss in detail about Hill Cipher. (10 Marks)
ii Write short notes on Stegnography. (6 Marks)
b. Describe DES and all its essential aspects. (16 Marks)
12.a.i Explain IDEA algorithm in detail (10 Marks)
ii Write about Cipher block chaining mode operation (6 Marks)
b. Discus in detail the different ways of distribution of public keys (16 Marks)
13.a. Briefly explain Diffie Hellmen key exchange with an example (16 Marks)
b.i Briefly explain digital signal algorithm (8 Marks)
ii Discuss clearly about secure hash algorithm (8 Marks)
14.a.i What is Kerberos? Explain the Kerberos version 4 in detail (10 Marks)
ii Draw the IP Sec authentication header and explain briefly (6 Marks)
b. Discuss transmission and reception of PGP messages with required flow diagram (16 Marks)
15.a. Define: Intrusion detection and the different types of detection mechanisms in detail (16 Marks)
b. i Explain firewalls and how they prevent intrusion? (12 Marks)
ii Explain the concept of reference monitor (4 Marks)
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