Saturday, May 30, 2015

SRM University BE Multimedia communication EC456 Unit Wise 2 marks and 16 marks




1. Define Multimedia.
2. List some of Multimedia applications.
3.  List the multimedia communication networks.
4. State Nyquist sampling theorem & Nyquist rate.
5. What do you mean by Hypertext?
6. What is compression?
7. Compare lossy & lossless compression.
8. Using Huffman coding, derive code set for following. 0.3, 0.3, 0.2,      0.1,0.1.
9. Define additive & subtractive color mixing.
10. What is dynamic Huffman coding used in text?
11. What is sprite Animation?
12. Define luminance & chrominance.
13. What is discrete cosine transform?
14. Define text & image.
15. Define audio & video.
16. Compare formatted & unformatted text.
17. What is rendering & clip art?
18. What is flicker & frame refresh rate?
19. What is NTSC & PAL?
20. What is sample & hold, Quantizer?
21. Define aspect ratio & pixel depth.
22. What is composite video signal?
23. Define Run – length encoding & statistical encoding.
24. What is synchronization?


1. Encode using static Huffman coding for following.
      0.25, 0.25, 0.14, 0.14, 0.055, 0.055, 0.055, 0.055. Write the code word generation        & construct Huffman code tree.
2.   Develop Dynamic Huffman coding tree for following sentence. “This is”
3.    Find the code word for following text “went” using Arithmetic coding technique.       e=0.3, n= 0.3, t=0.2, w=0.1, .=0.1 & explain the coding operation in detail.
4.     Explain the Dictionary models used for text compression with an example.
5.     Explain in detail the concepts & types of animation.

UNIT – 2

Part A

1. Write the standards defined by MPEG 1
2. Write the standards defined by MPEG 2
3. Write the standards defined by MPEG 4
4. What are I frames, P frames, B frames?
5. What is SIF?
6. What is CIF?
7. Define brightness, hue, saturation.
8. What is digital video editing?
9. What is digital video post production?
10. Compare vector graphics and bitmapped images
11. Write short notes on JBIG.
13. Define pitch, loudness.
14. Write the types of voice track excitation parameters.
15. Define frequency masking.
16. Define temporal masking.
17. What is LPC?
18. What is GIF?
19. Write the standard defined by TIFF.

Part B

1. Explain in detail the digitalization of video signals. Also Explain in detail the various digitisation formats of video signal.
2. Explain in detail MPEG 4 coding principles.
3. Explain in detail the principles of video compression.
4. Explain in detail digitization of sound.
5. Explain in detail various types of audio compression techniques.
6. Explain in detail a) LPC encoder and Decoder
          b) Perceptual compresssion
7. Explain in detail JPEG encoder and decoder
8. Explain in detail various standards associated with image compression.
9. Write short notes on a) MIDI b) JBIG

                                    MULTIMEDIA CONFERENCING

1. Define ISDN. List some of its applications.
2. Give the main features of ISDN.
3. Give the Basic and Primary rates of ISDN.
4. Mention the channel types available in ISDN with their rates.
5. What is the use of B & D channels?
6. List the types of ISDN interfaces.
7. Give the channel rates of B, D and H channels in ISDN.
8. What is the service attributes of ISDN?
9. What are the core components of H.320?
10. What is ISO-Ethernet?
11. Give the protocol stack of H.320.
12. Give some of the improvements of second generation standards over H.320.
13. Give the audio Codec standard used in Multimedia Conferencing.
14. What are the main layers of ISDN architecture?
15. Describe some of the ISDN layer Specifications.
16. Explain Video Conferencing application.

1. Explain the ISDN Architecture in detail with its features,channels and data rates.
2. Explain the User Network Interface structure of ISDN.
3. Explain the Layer specifications of ISDN  User Network Interface.
4. Explain the H.320 Standard used for ISDN Video Conferencing.
5. Explain the Broadband ISDN architecture with its network adaptation standards.
6. Write short notes on: (i) ISDN channels (ii) ISO Ethernet standard (iii) Network adaptation for B-ISDN


Part A
1. What does IPTel Refers?
2. List the functions of Gateways
3. Define Residential gateway and Trunk Gateway.
4. Explain IETF.
5. Draw H.323 Protocol Suite.
6. Draw a call setup based on SIP signaling.
7. Draw the functional architecture of MGCP.
8. Draw the Functional Architecture of MEGACO/H.GCP.
9. What are the functions performed by PSTN Gateways?
10. Explain VoIP Gateways.
11. Explain the essential functions of IPTel Gateway.
12. Explain IPTel Gateway Call Flow.
13. Explain the common terms and concepsts in VoD.
14. What do you mean by phase offset in VoD?
15. Draw the enhanced functional architecture for IN support of IP networks.
16. Draw the Information flow for Click-to-Dial.


1. Explain Pyramid Broadcasting Protocols in detail
      2. Explain harmonic broadcasting protocols in detail.
3. Explain the internet telephony architecture overview
4. Explain the H.323 suite protocol
5. Explain IN/IP integration
6. Explain SS7/IP integration
7. Explain the Session Initiation Protocol with suitable diagrams
8. Explain Media Gateway Control Protocol
9. Explain the function of PSTN Gateways
10. Explain the functions of IPTel Gateway

Unit – V
Part – A

1. Define ATM?
2. What are the advantageous of ATM?
3. What are the fields are there in ATM header?
4. What is virtual channel Identifier?  What is the use?
5. What is Payload Type Identifier?
6. What are the sublayers of ATM adaptation layer?  What is the role of each sublayer?
7. Why ATM adaptation layer is required?
8. What is multicasting and Broad casting?
9. What is unicasting and multicasting?
10. Draw the Rooted tree multicast network?
11. Draw the core-based tree multicast network?
12. Write the types of IP multicast protocol available.
13. Why UPP is preferred in IP multicasting?
14. What are the short comings of ATM multicasting?
15. What is Reliable Adaptable multicast protocol?
16. Why TCP is not preferred in multicasting?  What protocol is preferred instead?
17. What are the major issues in multicasting?

Part – B
1. Explain ATM network protocol structure in detail.
2. Describe the ATM layer specification in detail.
3. Explain the Traffic Control Architecture in B-ISDN?
4. How IP multicasting is performed in the Internet?  Explain.
5. Write short  notes on
(i)  Routing protocols for IP multicast.
(ii) Multimedia support in IP multicasting.
6. How multicasting is achieved in ATM networks?
7. What are the issues involved in IP multicasting over ATM?  Describe each issue in detail.
8. What is the need for reliable multicast transport protocol?  What are the types of protocols are available.  Explain each of them.
9. Describe Internet Protocol in detail. .

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