Friday, June 12, 2015

2010 Question Paper RBISBRO DSIM English Paper III

Reserve Bank of India
English Paper III
2010 Question Paper

Prior Portions can be had at the following images:-

3. Attempt any one of the following in about 250 words :—
(a) The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is deeply concerned about rising inflation. A Committee has been appointed to make an in-depth study of inflation dynamics. Draft the Committee’s Report including in it measures to strengthen co-ordination between the RBI and the Government with a view to controlling inflation.

(b) The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has been receiving numerous complaints about mismanagement, lack of transparency, poor recovery of loan, high NPAs etc. about a leading co-operative bank in a state. Draft an order, on behalf of the RBI for the dissolution of the BoD citing circumstantial evidence in support of such a drastic step.

(c) It has been observed that several importers were misusing the facility of letter of credit (L/C) given by the banks for up to one year. During this period they were using various banking channels to multiply their gains. On behalf of the RBI draft a circular to be sent to all the nationalized banks reducing the terms of L/C to 90 days from up to one year. State briefly the background that led to this step.

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