Monday, June 22, 2015


Anna University Chennai
Third semester
Aeronautical Engineering
(Regulation 2013)
Time: Three hours                        
Maximum: 100 marks
(Use of Standard Thermodynamics Table, Mollier diagram and tables are permitted)

Answer all questions
PART A-(10×2=20 marks)

  1. What is point and path functions? Give examples.
  2. What is thermodynamics temperature scale and why is its significance?
  3. What is entropy? How is it defined and calculated?
  4. What do you know about increases of entropy?
  5. Write the effect of compression ratio on engine thermal efficiency of an otto cycle with a suitable graph.
  6. What is mean effective pressure? How is it calculated
  7. What is the difference between the critical point and the triple point?
  8. What is specific impulse? How is it calculated?
  9. What is the difference between saturated liquid and compressed liquid?
  10. What is thermal radiation? How does it differ from electromagnetic radiation?
PART B – (5×16=80 marks)

11. (a) (1) what is polytropic process? How the work done is calculated in this process? (4)
(2) Three grams of nitrogen gas at 6 atm and 160 ℃ in a frictionless piston cylinder arrangement is expanded adiabatically to double its initial volume, then compressed at constant pressure to its initial volume and then compressed again at constant volume to its initial state. Calculate the network done on the gas. Draw the p-v diagram for the processes.
(b) (1) what is an unsteady flow process? Give two examples. (4)
      (2) An insulated rigid tank having 5 kg of air at 3 atm and 30℃ is connected to an air supply line at 8 atm and 50℃ through a valve. The valve is now slowly opened to allow the air from the supply line to flow into the tank until the rank pressure reaches 8 atm and then the valve is closed. Determine the final temperature of the air in the tank and find the amount of air added to the tank.(12)

12. (a) (1) Define Kelvin Plank and clausius statements of second law of thermodynamics and show that they are equivalent.(8)
(2) A reversible heat engine operating between thermal reservoirs at 800℃ and 300℃ drives a reversible refrigerator which refrigerates a space at -15℃ and delivers heat engine to a thermal reservoir at 30℃.the heat input to the heat engine is 1900 kJ and there is a network output from the combined planet of 290 kJ; determine the heat transfer to the refrigerant and the total heat transfer to the 30℃  thermal reservoir.(8)
(b) Write short notes on the following
(1) Inequality of clausius (5)
(2) Entropy of ideal gases(5)
(3)Reversibility and Irreversibility(6)

13. (a) (1) Derive the expression for the air standard efficiency of a diesel cycle (8)
(2) An air standard ideal diesel cycle using air as the working fluid has a compression ratio of 16 and cut off ratio of 2. The intake conditions are 100Kpa, 20℃ and displace value of 2000 cm3.using cold air standard assumptions determine (1) The temperature and pressure at the end of each process (2) The net work output and (3) The thermal efficiency of the cycle.(8)
(b) (1) What is and ideal otto cycle ? How does it differ from actual cycle?
Draw the P-V diagram for the ideal and actual cycles.(6)
(2) The maximum temperature and pressure of in an otto cycle are 200℃ and 100 Kpa. The amount of heat addition to the air per cycle is 1480 kJ/Kg. Find the pressure and temperature at all points of the cycle, the specific work output and thermal efficiency of the cycle for the compression ratio of 6:1.Assume the Cv as 0.72 kJ/Kg.K and gamma as 1.4.(10)
14. (a)  (1) what is a negative cycle? why is it essential for a thermal power  point planet?   (4)
(2) A thermal power planet operating on the ideal regenerative rankine cycle with one closed feed water heater. Stream enters the turbine at 3MPa and 400℃ and is condensed in the condenser at a pressure of 10 MPa. Some quantity of stream is extracted the open feed water heater. Compute the fraction of the stream extracted from the turbine and the thermal efficiency of the cycle. (12)
 (b) Write short notes on the following:
(1) P-T diagram and PVT surface for pressure substances.(8)
(2) Ideal and Actual vapour power cycles.(8)
15. (a) (1) Write an essay on different classification of jet engine and their components, thrust in detail.(12)
(2) How does conduction take place in composite walls?(4)
(b) Write short notes on the following:
(1) Convective and Radiative heat transfer.(8)
(2) Ideal and Actual cycle of turbojet engine.(8)

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