Are you looking for old years last years or previous years question papers of Bangalore University? Here you will see a question paper that belongs to last year 2015. This question paper is entitled with BUSINESS MANAGEMENT offered from 2013-14 onwards. The exam was conducted in the month of April and May 2015. It contains a total of 3 hours duration for a mark of maximum 100. Also it is for 4th Semester (Fourth Semester) BBM Examinations of BUSINESS MANAGEMENT of Bangalore University. Get this question paper in the text form below.
Bangalore University Question Papers
Fourth Semester IV Semester B.B.M. Examination, April/May 2015
(2013-14 and Onwards) (F + R)
Paper – Business Regulations
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Instruction: Answers should be written in English only
Answer any eight sub questions. Each sub question carries two marks (2x8=16)
1. a. What is Business Law?
b. What do you mean by voidable contract?
c. What is counter offer?
d. Give the meaning of misrepresentation.
e. What is invention?
f. Define the term "Service "Under competition Act.
g. Define the term Agreement.
h. What is hazardous substance?
i. State any two objectives of Consumer Protection Act.
J. What is cyber crime?
Answer any three questions. Each question carries eight marks. (3x8=24)
2. Briefly explain the sources of Indian Business Law.
3. Explain the characteristics of contract of sale of goods.
4. Distinguish between sale and agreement to sell.
5. State any four objectives of competition Act.
Answer question no. 10 and any three of the remaining questions. Each question carries 15 marks.
6. Explain the essentials of a valid contract.
7. Briefly explain the powers of the Central Government to protect and improve environment.
8. Discuss the mode of discharge of a contract.
9. Discuss the duties of a buyer.
10. What is consideration? Explain the legal rules as to valid consideration.
Bangalore University Question Papers
Fourth Semester IV Semester B.B.M. Examination, April/May 2015
(2013-14 and Onwards) (F + R)
Paper – Business Regulations
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Instruction: Answers should be written in English only
Answer any eight sub questions. Each sub question carries two marks (2x8=16)
1. a. What is Business Law?
b. What do you mean by voidable contract?
c. What is counter offer?
d. Give the meaning of misrepresentation.
e. What is invention?
f. Define the term "Service "Under competition Act.
g. Define the term Agreement.
h. What is hazardous substance?
i. State any two objectives of Consumer Protection Act.
J. What is cyber crime?
Answer any three questions. Each question carries eight marks. (3x8=24)
2. Briefly explain the sources of Indian Business Law.
3. Explain the characteristics of contract of sale of goods.
4. Distinguish between sale and agreement to sell.
5. State any four objectives of competition Act.
Answer question no. 10 and any three of the remaining questions. Each question carries 15 marks.
6. Explain the essentials of a valid contract.
7. Briefly explain the powers of the Central Government to protect and improve environment.
8. Discuss the mode of discharge of a contract.
9. Discuss the duties of a buyer.
10. What is consideration? Explain the legal rules as to valid consideration.
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