Monday, June 22, 2015

BE Aero AU AE6302 – ELEMENTS OF AERONAUTICS 2015 Question Paper

Anna University Chennai
Third semester
Aeronautical Engineering 
(Regulation 2013)
Time: Three hours
Aaximum: 100 marks
Answer all questions


PART A-(10×2=20 marks)

  1. What is meant by ornithopter?
  2. Differentiate between biplane and monoplane?
  3. What is the purpose of elevator in an airplane?
  4. What are the forces acting on an airplane during level flight?
  5. Define ISA and what its significance is.
  6. Define aerodynamics of an airfoil.
  7. Difference between Pratt and warren trusses of the fuselage construction.
  8. Define poisson’s ratio.
  9. Define thrust specific fuel consumption
  10. Define specific thrust.

   PART-B (5×16=80 marks)

11. (a) (1) Explain how the modern developments in aerodynamics and aerospace materials influenced aircraft design.(12)
(2) Sketch symmetrical and cambered airfoils and mark its nomenclature. (4)
(b) Explain how the airplane propulsion has developed over the years and briefly explain about the piston engine.(16)

12. (a) (1) Sketch a typical system for control actuation. Explain the operation. What are the recent developments in control actuation systems?(8)
      (2) Discuss the classification of flight vehcle,with respect to principle of operation and configuration.(8)
(b) (1) define International Standard Atmosphere. Describe briefly how the pressure, temperature and density vary with altitude.(8)
      (2) Calculate the pressure, density and temperature at altitudes of 10 km and 18.5 km. Use ISA conditions and the lapse rate as 6.5 K/km(8)

13.  (a) (1) Sketch an aircraft in climbing, gliding and take off modes and mark all the forces acting on it.(10)
(2)  What is meant by drag polar? What is its significance? (6)
(b) Explain with neat sketch the components of an airplane and their functions.(16)

14. (a)Explain in detail the wing construction and the function of various structural components like spars, ribs, skin and stringers in the aircraft structure.
(b)   (1) Explain different types of loads acting on aircraft.(8)
(2) Draw the stress- strain diagram and define the terms proportional limit, yield stress and ultimate tensile stress. How the stress-strain diagram of aluminum and steel differs. (8)

15. (a) Explain with a neat sketch the working of a turboprop engine. (16)
(b) (1) Sketch a typical liquid propellant rocket power planet and name the important components. What are the advantages of liquid propellant rocket over solid propellant rockets? (10)
(2) Write down the classification of rocket engine. (6)

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