Thursday, June 11, 2015

BFUHS Basic Principles of Biochemistry 2011 Question Paper

Question Paper University : Baba Farid University of Health Sciences.
Question Paper Degree : BSc Degree
Question Paper Subject Name : Basic Principles of Biochemistry.
Content : October 2011 Question Paper.
Version : Original Version .
Attachment Type : Text
Question Paper Time : 3 Hours.
Question Paper Marks : 100.

B.Sc.(M.L.T.) [1st Year]
Basic Principles of Biochemistry
(New Scheme w.e.f. 2009 admission)
M.M. : 100 Time : 3 Hours
1. Discuss classification of Carbohydrates with suitable examples. [15]
2. Short Notes : [4 x 5=20]
(a) ISO Electric pH.
(b) Spectrophotometer.
(c) Electrical Injuries.
(d) PH Measurement.
3. Short Notes : [3 x 5=15]
(a) Preservation of Biological Samples.
(b) Buffers.
(c) Dispensers.
4. Give an account of Biologically important Peptides. [15]
5. Short Notes :
(a) Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates. [10]
(b) Protein Colour Reactions. [10]
6. Discuss : [3 x 5=15]
(a) Artificial Respiration.
(b) Blood Anticoagulants.
(c) Ethics of Medical Lab Technologists

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