Friday, June 19, 2015

BFUHS Practice of Medicine A May 2010 Question Paper

University : Baba Farid University of Health Sciences.
Degree : BHMS Question Papers
Subject Name : Practice of Medicine A.
Content : May 2010 Question Paper.
Version : Original Version .
Attachment Type : Texts
Time : 3 Hours.
Marks : 90.

B.H.M.S. [4th Prof.]
[Direct Course]
Practice of Medicine-A
M.M. : 90 Time : 3 Hours
Note : Attempt all questions. Answers should be brief and to the point.
Do not discuss therapeutics aspect or indications of medicines.

1. Write short notes on: [3x5=15]
a. Hypokalemia.
b. Frost bite.
c. Type -II hypersensitivity reaction.
2. What is Ulcerative colitis. Discuss its etiology, clinical features, complications and diagnosis. Outline the miasmatic diagnosis and general management of this condition. [15]
3. Define Bronchial asthma. Discuss the aetiology, clinical features and complications of Bronchial asthma. Outline the miasmatic diagnosis and general management of this condition. [15]
4. What is Peptil ulcer? Describe the causes of Peptic ulcers. Differentiate between Gastric ulcer and Duodenal ulcer. Discuss clinical features, complications and diagnosis of Gastric ulcer. [15]
5. Discuss the aetiology, clinical features, complications and diagnosis of Grave's
disease. Outline its miasmatic diagnosis and general management. [15]
6. Write short notes on: [3x5=15]
a. Gilbert's syndrome.
b. Cullen's sign.
c. Xerophthalmia.

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