Friday, June 19, 2015

Child Health Nursing BFUHS May 2010 Question Paper

Name of the student : Anna Poorana N
University : Baba Farid University of Health Sciences.
Degree : BSc. Degree Question Papers
Subject Name : Child Health Nursing.
Content : May 2010 Question Paper.
Version : Original Version .
Attachment Type : Text
Time : 3 Hours.
Marks : 75.

B.Sc.(N) [Post Basic (1st Year)]
BF/2010/05 Child Health Nursing
[New Scheme-w.e.f. 2007 admission]
M.M. : 75 Time : 3 Hours.
Note : Attempt all questions.

1. Neena four year old is admitted in Paediatric Medical Ward with severe 'Respiratory Distress'. She is diagnosed as a case of Pneumonia.
a. Enumerate the predisposing factors for Pneumonia. [3]
b. Specify the clinical features to be assessed by the nurse. [7]
c. List down the objectives and plan nursing intervention for Neena. [10]
2. a. List the sign and symptoms of Hirchprung's disease. [5]
b. Describe the Pre and Post Operative Nursing Management of child with colostomy. [10] OR
a. Explain the types of Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula (T.O.F). [2]
b. List the sign and symptoms. [3]
c. Describe the Pre-Operative and Post-Operative Nursing Management of Baby with T.O.F. [10]
3. Neelam, and eight months old infant is admitted in Paediatric Ward with Protein-Energy Malnutrition (PEM)
a. List the causes of P.E.M. [2]
b. List the sign and symptoms. [3]
c. How Malnutrition can be prevented in children. [5]
4. Explain the importance of Child Welfare Agencies and discuss about any two of the Child Welfare Agencies in India. [5+10=15]
Temper Tantrums or breath holding spells are common developmental disorders in young children.
a. Define temper-tantrums and breath holding spells. [2]
b. List the causes and clinical features. [5]
c. Outline the management with regards to parental counselling, Behavioural Therapy. [8]
5. a. Role of a Nurse in prevention of dengue fever.
b. Tetrology of Fallot.
c. Maintenance of patent airway in a head injury child.
d. Care of bowel and bladder of children with Meningiomyelocele repair.
e. Immunization Schedule. [5x3=15]

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