Sunday, June 14, 2015

CY6151 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY - I AU BE Civil R-2013 Syllabus

University : Anna University Chennai
Course : BE Civil Engineering
Semester ; Odd Semester 01st Semester 01st year
Subject Code : CY6151
Content Type : Syllabus Materials
Regulation : 2013

CY6151      ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY - I             L T P C                   3 0 0 3

To make the students conversant with basics of polymer chemistry.
To make the student acquire sound knowledge of second law of thermodynamics and second law based derivations of importance in engineering applications in all disciplines.
To acquaint the student with concepts of important photophysical and photochemical processes and spectroscopy.
To develop an understanding of the basic concepts of phase rule and its applications to single and two component systems and appreciate the purpose and significance of alloys.
To acquaint the students with the basics of nano materials, their properties and applications.

Introduction: Classification of polymers – Natural and synthetic; Thermoplastic and Thermosetting.
Functionality – Degree of polymerization. Types and mechanism of polymerization: Addition (Free
Radical, cationic and anionic); condensation and copolymerization. Properties of polymers: Tg, Tacticity, Molecular weight – weight average, number average and polydispersity index. Techniques of polymerization: Bulk, emulsion, solution and suspension. Preparation, properties and uses of Nylon 6,6, and Epoxy resin.

Terminology of thermodynamics - Second law: Entropy - entropy change for an ideal gas, reversible and irreversible processes; entropy of phase transitions; Clausius inequality. Free energy and work function: Helmholtz and Gibbs free energy functions (problems); Criteria of spontaneity; Gibbs-Helmholtz equation (problems); Clausius-Clapeyron equation; Maxwell relations – Van‟t Hoff isotherm and isochore(problems).

Photochemistry: Laws of photochemistry - Grotthuss–Draper law, Stark–Einstein law and Lambert Beer Law. Quantum efficiency – determination- Photo processes - Internal Conversion, Intersystem
crossing, Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, Chemiluminescence and Photo-sensitization. Spectroscopy: Electromagnetic spectrum - Absorption of radiation – Electronic, Vibrational and rotational transitions. UV-visible and IR spectroscopy – principles, instrumentation (Block diagram

UNIT IV            PHASE RULE AND ALLOYS           9
Phase rule: Introduction, definition of terms with examples, One Component System- water system - Reduced phase rule - Two Component Systems- classification – lead-silver system, zincmagnesium system. Alloys: Introduction- Definition- Properties of alloys- Significance of alloying, Functions and effect of alloying elements- Ferrous alloys- Nichrome and Stainless steel – heat treatment of steel; Non-ferrous alloys – brass and bronze.

UNIT V          NANOCHEMISTRY         9
Basics - distinction between molecules, nanoparticles and bulk materials; size-dependent properties. Nanoparticles: nano cluster, nano rod, nanotube(CNT) and nanowire. Synthesis: precipitation, hermolysis, hydrothermal, solvothermal, electrode position, chemical vapour deposition, laser blation; Properties and applications.


The knowledge gained on polymer chemistry, thermodynamics. spectroscopy, phase rule and nano materials will provide a strong platform to understand the concepts on these subjects for further learning.

1. Jain P.C. and Monica Jain, “Engineering Chemistry”, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2010
2. Kannan P., Ravikrishnan A., “Engineering Chemistry”, Sri Krishna Hi-tech Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd. Chennai, 2009

1. Dara S.S, Umare S.S, “Engineering Chemistry”, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi 2010
2. Sivasankar B., “Engineering Chemistry”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, Ltd., New Delhi, 2008.
3. Gowariker V.R. , Viswanathan N.V. and JayadevSreedhar, “Polymer Science”, New Age International P (Ltd.,), Chennai, 2006.
4. Ozin G. A. and Arsenault A. C., “Nanochemistry: A Chemical Approach to Nanomaterials”, RSC Publishing, 2005.

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