Friday, June 12, 2015

Descriptive Type Paper II RBISB RO DEPR 2011 Question Paper

Reserve Bank of India
Descriptive Type Paper II
2011 Question Paper

R. B. S. B. (R.O.—DEPR)
Panel Year 2011
[TIME : 09-30 A.M. TO 12-30 P.M.]
(Maximum Marks—100)
Instructions.—(1) Attempt any five questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
(3) Credit will be given for orderly, effective and exact expression.
(4) Marks will not be alloted for superficial knowledge.

1. (a) Discuss in brief the objectives of India’s current foreign trade policy (2009-14).
(b) Discuss in brief the causes and consequences of recent world economic depression.

2. (a) The 2011 census has brought out the fact of rapid urbanization in India. Discuss the possible consequences.
(b) What has been the significance of the services sector as a driver for economic growth in India since 1990’s ?

3. Examine in detail the nature and causes of the recent inflation experience in India and suggest an appropriate policy response.

4. (a) What is the significance of agriculture to the Indian economy today ?
(b) Discuss the trade-off between environment and economic development in the light of India’s experience of economic development since 1990.

5. What according to you should be the major thrust of policy in order to achieve high economic growth along with significant employment generation ?

6. What are the arguments for and against full capital account convertibility for India ?

7. Outline the major reforms in the Indian financial sector since 1990.

8. (a) Discuss the following concepts in the context of poverty—
(i) Head count ratio
(ii) Poverty gap ratio
(b) Discuss the debate relating to measurement of poverty in India in recent years.

9. (a) Discuss the Basel III framework and challenges faced by Indian banks in this contex.
(b) Discuss the concept of Financial inclusion and its possible impact on economic development.

10. Write short notes on any four :—
(a) Declining sex-ratio at birth in India.
(b) The Harris-todoro model of migration.
(c) Financial repression.
(d) Labour market reforms in India.
(e) W. T. O. and developing countries.
(f) R. B. I’s response to recent inflation.

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