Saturday, June 6, 2015

Gauhati University Business Policy Analysis 2007 Question Paper

University : Gauhati University
Degree : B.Com
Question Paper Subject:Business Policy Analysis
Question Paper Year : 2007
Question Paper Details : Previous Years Question Papers Types Version

 Business Policy Analysis
Full Marks: 80
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. (a) State the main objectives of fiscal policy. 3
(b) Mention three basic features of a mixed economy. 2
2. Answer any three of the following: 5×3=15
a) Explain the term 'Industrial Reserve Army'.
b) Describe the significance of open market operations as a tool of monetary policy.
c) State the objectives and strategies of Eleventh Five-Year Plan.
d) Explain the concept of social costs and social benefits.
3. (a) Describe briefly various forms of public ownership with their basic features.6
(b) State various modes of foreign investment with their respective merits and
demerits. 6
Write a brief note on the business environment of North-Eastern Region of India.

Answer any three questions
4. (a) Explain the characteristics of an underdeveloped economy. 8
(b) State the major structural changes experienced by the Indian economy in the postliberalisation
era. 8
5. Discuss the role of devaluation in reducing deficits in the balance of payments of a
country. State its limitations. 10+6
6. Give a critical review of the theory of economic growth profounded by Schumpeter
with its relevance to Indian economy. 16
7. Explain the changing trends in Industrial Licensing System in the context of economic
reform in India. 16
8. Give a brief review of industrial development in India during the Five- Year Planning
period. 16

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