Saturday, June 6, 2015

Gauhati University HISTORY FIRST PAPER 2007 Question Paper

University :  Gauhati University
Degree : B.A History
Question Paper Subject:HISTORY FIRST PAPER
Question Paper Year : 2007
Question Paper Details : Previous Years Question Papers Types Version
                                               B.A History HISTORY FIRST PAPER
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
(Political and Administrative History of Ancient
India from Earliest Times to 319 AD)
1. Answer the following in 1 sentence each: 1×8=8
a) Who, according to the Puranas, was the successor of Ajatasatru?
b) Explain the term ahara in the context of the Mauryan administrative system.
c) During the Mauryan period, which was the Capital of the frontier State of
d) Which metal revolutionised India in the 6th century BC?
e) Name the ancient Indian ruler who created the office of the Dharmamahamatras.
f) Who was the greatest of the Kshaharata Satraps?
g) In which. Prasasti is Gautamiputra referred to as not only a conqueror but also a
social reformer?
h) Who assassinated Brihadratha?
2. Match the following: l×4=4
(a) Visakadatta (i) Indika
(b) Megasthenes (ii) Agamas
(c) Buddhists texts (iii) Mudra-Rakshasa
(d) Jaina texts (iv) Tripitakas
3. Write short notes on any four: 5×4=20
(a) Harappan polity
(b) Tribal assemblies of the Vedic period
(c) Sixteen Mahajanapadas
(d) Second Urbanisation
(e) Gautamiputra Satakarni
(f) Guilds in ancient India
4. Answer any three questions: 16×3=48
a) Critically analyse the sources for the reconstruction of ancient Indian history.
b) Examine the socio-economic basis for the Harappan urbanisation.
c) Attempt a comparative study of early and later Vedic polity.
d) Bring out the salient features of Mauryan State machinery and assess the nature
of the State.
e) Bring out the achievements of Pushyamitra Sunga and examine the role the
Sungas played in post-Mauryan polity.
f) What was the Satrapal system of administration? Explain with special reference
to the Kushan polity.
(Political and Administrative History of
Modem India 1757-1858)
5. Answer the following in 1 sentence each l×8=8
a) Why was the fortification of Calcutta considered to be one of the major factors
leading to the Battle of Plassey?
b) State one significant outcome of the Battle of Plassey.
c) Over which items did the Society of Trade (1765) establish Monopoly of Trade?
d) Why did the Quinquennial Settlement (1772-76) prove to be a failure?
e) On what principle was Cornwallis' Code based?
f) Who were the Pindaris?
g) Did John Shore follow the policy of non-Intervention in Assam?
h) During whose Governor- Generalship did the annexation of Sindh take place?
6. Match the following: l×4=4
(a) Treaty of Salbai (i) 1782
(b) Treaty of Bassein (ii) 1792
(c) Treaty of Sagauli (iii) 1816
(d) Treaty of Seringapatam (iv) 1802
7. Write short notes on any four: 5×4=20
(a) The Royal Charter of 1600
(b) The Carnatic Wars
(c) Farrukhsiyar's Firman
(d) Fatawa-i-Alamgiri
(e) Treaty of Benaras (1773)
(f) Thomas Babington Macaulay
8. Answer any three of the following: 16×3=48
a) Discuss the impact of Clive's Dual Government in Bengal.
b) Examine Ranjit Singh's relations with the English.
c) What were the factors that prompted Wellesley to introduce the System of
Subsidiary Alliance?
d) Analyse Lord Hastings' policy towards the Rajput States.
e) The Anglo-Burmese War (1824-26) was partly a war of defence of the
Company's North-East frontier and partly an act of aggression. Elucidate.
f) Critically assess Bentinck's social reforms. 

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