Saturday, June 6, 2015

Gauhati University HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 2007 Question Paper

University :  Gauhati University
Degree : PGDHRM
Question Paper Year : 2007
Question Paper Details : Previous Years Question Papers Types Version

Full Marks: 100
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Answer all questions
1. Write short notes on any five of the following: 5×5=25
(a) Managerial grid
(b) Sensitivity training approach
(c) Open system approach to management development
(d) Method study
(e) Simo chart
(f) E-Governance
(g) Automation
(h) Perception
2. Answer any three questions: 10×3=30
(a) What is meant by levels of management? Describe the management skills
necessary at various levels of management.
(b) What are the desired personality characteristics for effective managers?
(c) Explain the six steps to follow when making decision.
(d) What is EDI? List the benefits of EDI.
(e) What is productivity? Discuss how productivity is related to quality of work life.
3. Answer any three questions 15×3=45
(a) "Technology does not destroy jobs for all times, but it does create different jobs
that workers often are not prepared to fill." What does management need to do
while introducing technology?
(b) Define CPMIS. What should form an integral part of any good CPMIS?
Mention the basic requirements that the system should meet.
(c) Define work measurement and describe its techniques, explaining each of them.
(d) Describe how does IT impact on the existing organisation and how would it
influence HRM.
(e) Define materials handling and its objective. Describe major principles in the
design of an efficient materials handling system.
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