Dr.M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute
B.Tech biotechnology,
BBT 215/203 NEW CODE BBT 006
Time: three hours
Maximum Marks: 100
Part-A (10x2 = 20 Marks)
Answer all questions
2. Define lethal gene.
3. Define centromer.
4. Write the function of chromosome.
5. What is autosomal disorder?
6. Define Rh factor.
7. Write the different mapping techniques.
8. What is gene transfer?
9. Define gene frequency.
10. What is inbreeding depressing?
Part-B (5x16 = 80 Marks)
Answer all questions
11. Explain about the Mendelian Law of inheritance and Law of independent assortment.
12. What is gene interaction? Explain the different types of gene interaction.
13. Explain detail about the prokaryotic organisation.
14. Draw the structures of chromosomes. Write notes on polytene, lamp brush, giant chromosomes.
15. What is autosomal dominant disorder? Write shortly in any two autosomal dominant disorder.
Add notes on linkage and crossing over.
16. Write notes on:
a) Colour blindness
b) Hemophilia
c) Disorder of coagulation
17. Explain the mapping by insitu hybridization.
18. Write notes on transformation, conjugation and transduction.
19. Explain the HardyWeinberg equilibrium and its application.
20. a) What is polymorphism? Write about the characteristc feature of polymorphism.
b) Write notes on genotype frequency.
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