Monday, June 15, 2015

ICSE Class 10 : Change in the examination pattern

Dear Readers and Students,
Recently ICSE exam pattern has been changed. Now ICSE students might be writing only 7 exams. Before it was 10. The Council of Indian School Certificate Examination has proposed this change. According to this change of ICSE exam pattern, single science paper and one social studies will be there. Social studies combined with History and Geography. But students and parents believe that this change of exam pattern will damage the quality of the ICSE syllabi.

However, Gerry Arathoon who is the Chief Executive Secretary of the council told "This would take the burden off ICSE students."

It is important to note that only ICSE students have 10 subjects compared to CBSE and other boards. So the major subjects will be after this proposal successfully approved, Science, Social Studies, English I, English II, Mathematics. These papers will be 100 marks each.

Let's wait how will this change effect on the quality of ICSE.
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1 comment:

  1. I heard about the change in the ICSE exam pattern. On a bit research I found out a a website that has icse question papers for reference for the students. This will not only boost up the confidence in the students but will also help them understand the paper pattern in more easy way.


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