Monday, June 8, 2015

INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT Mahamaya Technical University 2013 Question Paper

University : Mahamaya Technical University
Course : B.Tech Degree Examination
Question Paper Year : 2013
Semester : 06

B.Tech Degree Examination
Mahamaya Technical University
[Time : 3 Hours] [Total Marks : 100]
Note : Attempt all three Sections.
Section – A

1. Attempt all parts from this section. Answer in brief.
(a) Define Industrial Management.
(b) What do you mean by Industrial Ownership?
(c) What is time study?
(d) Explain Productivity Index.
(e) Define SQC.
(f) What do you mean by management?
(g) Define Production.
(h) Explain soil pollution.
(i) What do you understand by inventory control?
(j) What is meant by EOQ?

Section - B
2. Attempt any three parts from this section.
(a) Discuss historical development of industrial management.
(b) What are the principles of management ? Explain.
(c) What do mean by inventory ? Explain the different types of inventories.
(d) How is productivity measured?
(e) Write short notes on Wnvironment Acts.

Section – C
Attempt all questions from this section.

3. Attempt any one part.
(a) Discuss in detail the application and scope of industrial management.
(b) What do you understand by PPC? Discuss the major function of PPC.

4. Attempt any one part

(a) Explain different functions of management.
(b) What are the objectives of method study? List steps taken for carried out method study for any manufacturing organization.

5. Attempt any one part

(a) Describe the cycle and push/pull view of a supply chain process.
(b) Explain the various cost associated with inventory.

6. Attempt any one part

(a) What is control chart ? State the purpose and advantage of control chart.
(b) What do mean by central line, upper control limit and lower control limit ? Also discuss the control chart (R- chart).

7. Attempt any one part

(a) What do you understand by water pollution ? What are its sources ? How can we control it ? Discuss.
(b) Describe the various methods of control of industrial pollution.

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