Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Kerala University Data Structures and Algorithms 2015 Question Paper

Kerala University Question Paper Download for 02nd Semester MCA Degree Exam => 2015 Question Paper of Data Structures and Algorithms

Kerala University
Second Semester MCA Degree Examination 2015 (2006 Admn.) 
Data Structures and Algorithms
Time : 3 Hours 
Max. Marks : 100
PART A [10 x 4 = 40 Marks]
Answer all questions. Each carries 4 marks.

1. What is rate of growth analysis of an algorithm?

2. Write an algorithm for matrix multiplication. Explain the complexity of the algorithm.

3. What is graph? What are the different graph searching techniques?

4. Differentiate between LIFO and FIFO.

5. What is virtual hashing?

6. What are the different file organizations?

7. What are threaded binary trees?

8. What is inorder traversal of binary trees? Give an example.

9. Draw an expression tree for the Expression: A – B + C * D + E * F – G?

10. Compare singly linked list and doubly linked list.

PART B [6 x 10 = 60 Marks]

Answer all six questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

11. a) List down the guidelines that we have to follow for improving the programming style.
b) Justify the necessity of program documentation. Write down the guidelines for preparing a program document.

12. Describe how frequency count method can be used to find the time complexity of an algorithm. Illustrate it with the help of matrix multiplication algorithm.

13. Differentiate between the data structures stack and queue. Suggest a data structure to logically combine stack and a queue.

14. Write an algorithm to split a singly linked list into two, in such a way that the old nodes are in one list and the even nodes in another one.

15. Explain garbage collection and compaction.

16. What is hashing technique? What are the different collision handling methods.

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