Thursday, June 11, 2015

Kerala University Financial Management March 2015 Question Paper

University : Kerala University
Course of Question Paper : BBA Degree
Subject Title : Financial Management
Semester : 06, VI
Year of Exam Question Paper : March 2015
Scheme of Question Paper : 2007

Kerala University
Sixth semester BBA Degree Examination March 2015 (2007 scheme)
Financial management
Time : 03 hours
Maximum Marks : 60

Section A

Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks.

1. What is financial market?

2. What do you mean by financial services?

3. Write a note on commercial papers.

4. What are guilt_edged securities?

5. What is call money market?

6. What is lease financing?

7. What is factoring?

8. What is venture capital financing?

9. Define seed capital.

10. Define credit rating.

Section B

Answer any five questions. Each question carries 4 marks.

11. Distinguish between financial lease and operating lease.

12. What are the steps involved in factoring?

13. What are the benefits of forfeiting?

14. What are the functions of credit rating?

15. What are money market instruments? Discuss.

16. Explain the organizational set up of merchant banking in India.

17. What are the defects of Indian money market?

Section C

Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

18. Explain the methodology followed for credit rating of different types of securities.

19. Define financial system. Explain its various components.

20. Examine the various functions and services of merchant bankers.

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