Saturday, June 20, 2015

NIELIT Calicut PG Diploma Admissions 2015-16 for Embedded System Design Programme

National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT), Calicut invites applications for admission into its PG Diploma in Embedded System Design Programme for the academic year 2015-16.
Qualifications and Eligibility: You should have completed ME/ M.Tech. or BE/ B.Tech. in the following branches:
1. Electronics / Electronics and Communication
2. Electrical / Electrical and Electronics
3. Instrumentation
4. Biomedical
5. Computer Science
6. Information Technology
M.Sc. in Electronics / Instrumentation / Computer Science / Information Technology.
Candidates who have appeared in the qualifying examination and awaiting results may also apply. On the date of counselling / admission, you must produce the original mark lists up to the last semester/ year of examination.

How can you apply for NIELIT Calicut admissions:
You should first download the application from institute website,
Filled-in application forms along with a Demand Draft (or pay-in-slip) towards advance fee of Rs.1,000/- drawn in favour of Director, NIELIT, Calicut, Payable at State Bank of India, NIT Campus Branch (code: 2207), Chathamangalam should be sent to the
Training Officer,
NIELIT, P. B. No. 5,
NIT Campus Post,
CALICUT – 673 601, Kerala.

The Name of the Course Applied for should be super scribed on the top of the cover in which the application form is forwarded.

Important Dates: 
Last date for the issue and receipt of duly filled in applications: 31st July 2015
Dates of Online Admission Test: 21st, 23rd, 24th, 27th July and 1st August 2015.
Selection lists in website: 25th July and 3rd August 2015
Reporting/ Commencement of Classes: 8th August 2015

To get admission brochure:

For more details, please visit:
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