Friday, June 12, 2015

RBI Economic and Social Issues Paper II 2011 Question Paper

एक्षम बोर्ड : Reserve Bank of India
एचोनोमिच्स अंड षोचिअल ईस्सुएस Economic and Social Issues Paper II
2011 Question Paper

R. B. I. S. B. (B.DR)
[TIME—9-30 A.M. TO 12-30 P.M.]
(Maximum Marks—100)

N. B..—(1) Answer any five questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
(3) Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi at the candidate’s option. However, all the questions should be answered
only in the language so chosen. Answer-books written partly in English and partly in Hindi will not be evaluated.
(4) Part of the same question must be answered together without answers to other questions intervening.
(5) Answer to each question must be started on a fresh page.
(6) Marks will be deducted if handwriting is not easily legible.
(7) Answers will be judged on the basis of perspective, analysis and presentation.

1. Examine the banking sector reform measures undertaken in India since 1991. Briefly describe the recent changes in RBI’s monetary policy.

2. (a) What is sustainable development ? What should be done to achieve it ?
(b) What is environment management ? Explain social and economic aspects of environment management.
3. (a) Do you agree with a view that public sector enterprises have played a strategic role in accelarating economic growth. Explain.
(b) Explain the importance of service sector and its contribution to employment in India.

4. (a) “ Monetary measures have failed to control inflation in India.” Explain.
(b) Suggest suitable options for controlling inflation.

5. Explain the measures and strategies adopted by India on the following subjects
(a) Provision of Social Security
(b) Foreign Direct Investment.

6. (a) Explain the factors responsible for the rapid growth of export over the past decade.
(b) What changes have taken place in the product composition of exports in recent years.

7. (a) Religion continues to be an important source of identity for most people in South Asia. Discuss.
(b) Examine the need of secularism in our country with special reference to constitution of India.

8. (a) Is creation of smaller states the right solution to improve the quality of governance and check corruption. Discuss.
(b) Explain the changes in public administration in the age of globalisation and liberalisation.

9. (a) ‘ Caste factor is most dominant and omnipresent in Indian politics ’. Discuss the statement with suitable illustration.
(b) Explain the impact of reservation policy on scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.

10. Write notes on any two :—
(a) Impact of globalisation on culture, media and technology.
(b) Role of small and medium enterprises in Indian economy.
(c) Privatisation of higher education.
(d) IMF in the changing world.

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