Friday, June 12, 2015

RBI Finance and Management Paper III 2012 Question Paper

Exam Board : Reserve Bank of India
Exam Name : RBISB (BDR)
Question Paper Subject: Finance and Management Paper III
Year : 2012 Question Paper

RBI Reserve Bank of India
R. B. I. S. B. (B.DR)
PY – 2012
Maximum Marks—100)

N. B..—(1) Attempt any three questions from Section I and any two questions from Section II.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
(3) Answers must be brief and to-the-point.
(4) Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi at the candidate’s option. However, all the questions should be answered only in the language as chosen. Answer-books written partly in English and partly in Hindi will not be evaluated.

1. Highlight the salient features of the Union Budget 2013-14.
2. “High inflation is a source of internal and external disequilibrium”-Explain the statement with reference to CAD (Current Account deficit) and weakening of the rupee.
3. ‘Indian forex management had evolved from FERA to FEMA’. Discuss.
4. Briefly state the provisions relating to the Non Banking Financial Companies (NBFCS) under Chapter III B of the RBI Act, 1934.
5. Write short notes on any two of the following :—
(a) Securitisation
(b) Stock market index
(c) Swaps
(d) Sub-standard assets.

6. State the concept and goals of Human Resource Development (HRD).
7. (a) Explain the role of information Technology in Communication.
(b) Distinguish between Authority and Responsibility.
8. (a) Explain the terms ‘ Corporate Governance ’.
(b) Explain in brief the concept of Control and Communication.
9. (a) Briefly discuss the different styles of leadership.
(b) Distinguish between a Manager and a Leader.

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