Friday, June 12, 2015

RBI Reserve Bank of India RBISB FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT 2011 Question Paper

Reserve Bank of India
Finance and Management Paper III
2011 Question Paper

R. B. I. S. B. (B.DR)
[TIME—2-30 P.M. TO 5-30 P.M.]
(Maximum Marks—100)

N. B. (1) Attempt any three questions from Section I and any two questions from Section II.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
(3) Answers must be brief and to-the-point.
(4) Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi at the candidate’s option. However, all the questions should be answered only in the language so chosen. Answer-books written partly in English and partly in Hindi will not be evaluated.

Section I
1. What is meant by merchant banking ? Discuss in detail the various functions performed by merchant bankers.
2. Briefly explain the salient features of the Foreign Exchange Management Act.
3. “ A tax is a burden on the present ; a debt (loan) puts the burden of repayment on future generations.” Explain.
4. Explain in detail the different methods of credit control in India.
5. (a) What is securitization ? What purpose does it serve ?
(b) Discuss the benefits and limitations of securitization.

Section II
6. “ Sound organization is an essential prerequisite of efficient management.” Explain.
7. What are the major differences between autocratic, democratic and abdicative styles of leadership?
8. (a) Explain the terms “ authority ” and “ responsibility ”.
(b) What is delegation of authority ? How can delegation be made effective ?
9. Discuss the role of communication in an organization. What are the barriers to effective communication ?

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