Friday, June 12, 2015

RBISB RO DEAP Descriptive Type Paper II 2009 Question Paper

Reserve Bank of India
Descriptive Type Paper II
2009 Question Paper

R. B. S. B. (R.O.-DEAP)
Batch Year 2009
[TIME-9-30 A.M.TO 12-30 P.M.]
(Maximum Marks-100)

(1) Attempt any five questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
(3) Credit will be given for orderly, effective and exact expression.
(4) Marks will not be alloted for superficial knowledge.

1. Distinguish between head-count ratio and poverty-gap ratio as measures of poverty. What is the extent of poverty in India ?

2. Bring out the role of the agricultural sector in the current stage of development in India. Is the targeted growth rate for the agricultural sector in the 11th five year plan in India attainable? Give reasons for your answer.

3. Though Special Economic Zones have been successful in the context of China, the policy of establishing such zonesin India is neither feasible nor desirable. Discuss.

4. Bring out, in an appropriate framework, the consequences ofhigh fiscal deficits in an economy. Are you of the opinion that fiscal deficits in India are excessive? Give reasons for your answer.

5. Show that an economy cannot simultaneously have fixed exchange rates, perfect capital mobility and autonomous monetary policy. Bring out, in this context, the effects of increased capital inflows/outflows in an economy like India.

6. What are the factors responsible for the emergence of a balance-ofpayments/currency/financial
crisis? Analyze with the help of some historical examples.

7. Regional Trading Blocks serve more as 'stumbling blocks' than as , building blocks' for global multilateral trade liberalisation. Do you agree ? Give reasons for your answer.

8. Bring out the developments in India's balance-of-payments since around the year 2000. Would you consider the current balance-of-payments position in India to be sustainable? Give reasons for your answer.

9. What are Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) ? Why is it being suggested that SDRs should have a greater role to play in a reformed international financial system ?

10. Write notes on any two of the following :-
(a) Growth models
(b) Jobless growth with special reference to the Indian experience
(c) Inflation in India
(d) Doha round negotiations in the WTO.

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