Friday, June 12, 2015

RBISBRO DSIM English Paper III 2012 Question Paper

Reserve Bank of India
English Paper III
2012 Question Paper

1. Write an argumentative essay of about 500 words on any one of the
following :—
(a) The disconnect between Indian higher education and social requirements.
(b) Have Malls changed urban lifestyle in India ?
(c) Corruption is a blight on democratic society.
(d) The Indian woman is extremely vulnerable today.
(e) Is the concept of India as an economic superpower in 2020 a mirage ?

2. (a) Make a précis of the following passage in your own words reducing it to about 200 words, and give it a suitable title. Use the special sheet provided for this purpose :—

The global economic slump has crimped India’s growth, but the larger constraints are within the country. It is essential that an environment be created that is conducive to investments, and for that, it is necessary to urgently remove impediments to the implementation of projects and policies in the country.

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