Friday, June 12, 2015

Reserve Bank of India Descriptive Type Paper II 2012 Question Paper

Reserve Bank of India
RBISB (Manager Civil)
Descriptive Type Paper II
2012 Question Paper

R. B. S. B. (MANAGER—CIVIL) 2012
[Time : 2-30 P.M. to 5-30 P.M.]
(Maximum Marks—100)

(1) Answers must be written in English or Hindi. However all the answers should be in one language only.
(2) Answer any two questions from Section I, any two questions from Section II and any one question from Section III.
(3) All questions carry equal marks.
(4) Parts of the same questions, if any, must be answered together without answers to other questions intervening.
(5) Figures to the right indicate full marks of the question / part of the question.
(6) Each question must be started on fresh page.
(7) Answers will be evaluated on the basis of logic, clarity and criticality in exposition.
(8) Marks will be deducted for illegible handwriting.
(9) Use of non-programmable electronic calculator / log table slide rule is permitted.
(10) Assume any additional data, if deemed necessary and state the assumptions clearly.

1. (a) Comment on the use of stones in masonry work.
(b) Describe the procedure of constructing a stone masonry wall.
(c) What is pointing? Describe various types of pointing.

2. (a) What is R.M.C.? How it compares with the traditional site mixing ?
(b) Describe the site tests for cement.
(c) What is rapid hardening cement ? Where is it used ?

3. Write explanatory notes on the following :-
(a) Centering and formwork
(b) Deep foundations
(c) Bonds in brick wall
(d) Water cement ratio.

4. (a) How are the roads classified in India ?
(b) Draw a typical cross-section of a road crust for any higher type of road, name the various layers and explain the importance of each layer.
(c) Explain the difference between compaction and consolidation of a road embankment.
5. (a) What are the factors that need to be considered while fixing the location of a major bridge ?
(b) Compare the merits and demerits of a suspension bridge and a cable stayed bridge.
(c) What is an abutment pier ? Where and why is it provided ?
6. (a) Describe the principles of management with suitable examples from the construction industry.
(b) Compare the PERT and CPM methods. Which method is preferable for a construction project? Why ?
(c) Explain briefly :-
(1) Crashing a network
(2) Methods for monitoring the progress of a project

7. (a) Compare the Limit State design method with the Working Stress design method of RCC structures. Which method leads to more economical design ?
(b) Enumerate the steps in designing a RCC column subjected to direct load as well as bending moment. (no calculations required)
(c) What is pre-stressed concrete ? Where is its use indicated and preferred ?
8. (a) Derive the expression for three moment theorem.
(b) A beam ABCDE has a fixed support at both ends A and E and is continuous over the intermediate supports B, C and D. The spans are - AB = 3 m, BC = 4 m, CD = 3.5 m and DE = 3 m. The span AB carries a U.D.L. of 150 N per running metre, span BC carries a U.D.L. of 200 N per running metre,
span CD supports a concentrated load of 1000 N at the center of the span and span DE carries a triangular load of intensity 500 N at the end D and 0 N at the other end E. The moment of inertia of various segments of the continuous beam is as follows — AB – I, BC and CD – 1.5 I and DE – I. Using three moment theorem or any other method, find the bending moment and shear force at the joints and sketch the bending moment and shear force diagrams. Also show the deflected shape of the beam. Neglect self weight of the beam segments.

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