Monday, June 8, 2015

Sales and Distribution Management Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya 2010 Question Paper

Sales & Distribution Management
DAVV University
2010 Question Paper

1) Discuss the followingm.:
a) The process of personal selling and its role in marketing mix.
b) Types of sales job.
2) If you were preparing a sales presentation for the following products, what information about a prospect would you seek as part of your presentation?
a) Two bedroom condominium.
b) Carpeting for a home redecorating project.
3) Discuss with the help of suitable examples?
a) Marketing Decisions for wholesalers & retailing importance
b) EDI & supply chain
4) What do you mean by distribution channel? What performance considerations would you use in the selection of channel structure for a newly introduced brand of frozen vegetables?
5) Discuss the following:
a) Sales budget
b) Sales quota
c) Meaning & objective of physical distribution.
6) What is a sales territory? Why do firms establish sales territories? Can you think of a reason why a firm might not want to have sales territories?
7) Explain the following:
a) Importance of wholesaling & retailing from marketing point of view.
b) AIDAS Theory
c) Right set of circumstances theory
d) Compensation plan 
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