Thursday, July 30, 2015

Anna University BA 9206- CORPORATE FINANCE 2015 Question Papers

Anna University Previous Years Question Papers
Question paper code: 40226
(Regulation 2009/2010)
Time- Three hour
Maximum mark-100
Answer all questions
PART A-10X2=20
1. What is capital market?

2. What is meant by debenture?

3. What is working capital?

4. What is the commercial paper?

5. What is risk analysis?

6. What is sensitivity analysis?

7. What is dividend decision?

8. What is simulation?

9. What is corporate governance?

10. What is corporate ethics?

Part b-5x16=80 marks
11.(a) Explain the features and problems of India capital market.


(b) Discuss the role of EXIM bank and commercial banks.

12.(a)What are the public  deposits? Why are the popular? Enumerate the advantages of raising resource through public deposits?
(b)Explain the requirement of working capital for a textile concern.

13.(a) Describe the various modes of appraisal of risky investment.
(b) What is decision tree analysis? Explain the decision tree approach in  investment decision.

14.(a) Discuss the financing decision in the context of option pricing model and agency costa.
(b)What is financing decision? Differentiate between cash inadequacy and cosh insolvency.
15.(a)Explain the objectives and benefits of corporate governance.
(b) Who are stakeholder?  Explain the social contract between business and society?

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