Thursday, July 30, 2015

Anna University CE6403 ALLIED HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING 2015 Question Paper

Anna University Previous Years Question Papers
Question paper code: 77064
Fourth semester
Civil Engineering
Time- Three hour
Maximum mark-100
Answer all questions
PART A -10X2=20
1. Define and distinguish between steady flow and unsteady flow.
2. What is meant by most economical section?
3. State the dynamic equation of gradually varied flow.
4. Classify the channel bottom slopes?
5. State the flow condition for the occurance of hydraulic jump.
6. What are surges in open channel flow? State the type
7.A jet of water 40mm diameter  with a velocity 30m/s,Strikes a stationery   plates at its normal direction. Determine the force exerted by the jet
8. What is meant by reaction turbine? State on example
9. What are air vessels? State their purpose.
10. What is priming? How it can be avoided?
PART B-5X16=80
11(a)A most economical trapezoidal section is required to give a maximum discharge of 20m 3/s of water. The slope of channel bottom 1 in 1500 . Taking c=70 ,in Chezy’s  equation, determine the dimensions of the channel.
(b)(i) Derive the relationship between flow depth and breadth of a rectangular channel, to be an economical section.
(ii)A rectangular channel which is laid on a bottom slope of 1in 160 is to carry 20m 3/s of water. Determine the width of channel when the flow is in critical condition. Take manning’s constant n=0.014.
12(a) Discuss the different surface profiles for the various bottom slope condition of a channel.
(b)A rectangular flume 2m wide discharge at the rate of 2m 2/s.The bed slope of the flume is 1 is 2500. At certain section the depth of flow is 1m. Calculate the distance of the section downstream where the depth of flow is 0.9m.Slove by single step method. Assume n=0.014.
13.(a)Water flows from on under sluice into a very wide rectangular channel. The channel has a bed slope of 1in 1000 The slice is regulated to discharge 6 m 3/s per m width of channel, the depth of venacontracta being 0.5 m .Will a hydraulic jump from?if so determine is location. Use a single step for the computation with Manning’s constant n=0.015.
(b)The depth and the velocity of the flow in a rectangular channel are 1m and 1.5 m/s respectively. If the rate of inflow at the upstream end is suddenly doubled, What will be the height and absolute velocity of the resulting surge and the celerity of the wave?
14.(a) A Kaplan turbine is to be designed to develop 9000Kw. The net available head is 5.6m. The speed radio is 2.09 and the flow radio is 0.68.The overall efficiency is 86%and the diameter of the boss is one third the diameter of the runner .Determine the diameter of the runner, speed and specific speed of the turbine.
(b)A pelton wheel is to be designed for the following specification: Shaft power11,772 kW, Head=380 m;speed=750rpm; overall efficiency =80%Jet diameter is not to exceed 1/6 of the wheel diameter. Determine the following :
(i)wheel diameter
(ii)Number of jet required
(iii)Diameter of jet
Assume kv=0.985 and ku=0.45
15.(a)A centrifugal pump has the following characteristics:
Outer diameter of impeller =800nm
Width of impeller vanes at outlet =100mm
Angel of impeller vanes at outlet =40֠.
The impeller runs at 550rpm and delivers 0.98m3/s under on effective head of 35m.A 500KW motor is used to drive the pump. Assume water enter the impeller vanes radically at inlet.
(b)A double acting reciprocating pump, running at 40rpm, is discharging 1m3/s water. The pump has a stroke length of 400mm. The diameter of the piston is 200mm. The delivery and suction head are 20m and 5m respectively. Find the slip of the pump and power require to derive the pump.

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