Thursday, July 30, 2015

Anna University CS2041 C# and NET FRAMEWORK 2015 Question Paper

Anna University Previous Years Question Papers
Question paper code: 71360
Seventh semester
Computer science and Engineering
CS2041/CS706/10144 CSE 42 – C# and NET FRAMEWORK
(common to information Technology)
(Regulation 2008/2010)
Time- Three hour
Maximum mark-100
Answer all questions
PART A-10X2=20

1. Compare array with structure.

2. List the different types of I/O commands in c#.

3. What is inheritance?

4. Define: Polymorphism.

5. What do you mean by synchronization?

6. What is a thread?

7. What is data binding?

8. How does ADO.NET support security?

9. List same web services.

10. What do you mean by remoting ?

11.(a) Explain the basic elements of c# in detail.
(b) Explain the different types of expression and operation in detail.

12.(a) Explain about concept of operator overloading in detail.
(b) Discuss about:
(i) indexes

13.(a) Explain c# concept for creating data structure in detail.
(b: ) Discuss about
(i) Multitasking

14(a) Discuss about the techniques of reading and writing XML data.
(b) Explain about ADO.NET architecture in detail.

15.(a) Explain about NET coding design guidelines in detail.
(b) Discuss about:

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