Anna University Previous Years Question Papers
Question paper code: 71385
Fifth semester
Computer science and Engineering
(Common to information technology)
(Regulation 2008/2010)
(Common to PTCS 2302-computer network for B.E (part-time) forth semester CSE Regulation 2009 and 10144 CS 503-Dats communication and computer network for B.E (part-time) Fifth semester CSE Regulation 2010)
Time- Three hour
Maximum mark-100
Answer all questions
PART A-10X2=20
1. What is flow control?
2. What is refraction?
3. What are the issues in data link layer?
4. What are the criteria used to evaluate transmission medium.
5. What are the responsibility of network layer?
6. What are datagrams?
7. What are the duties of transport layer?
8. What is difference between network layer delivery and transport layer delivery?
9. What is the basic model of FTP?
10. Give the formant of HTTP request.
Part b=5x16=80 marks
11.(a) Explain how to build network with OSI and TCP/IP reference model.
(b) Write short note on
(i) Reliable transmission
12.(a) Discuss the design procedure to build wireless LAN network.
(b) What are common ETHERNET implementation ? Discuss about the sublayer.
13.(a) Discuss about distance vector routing with illustration?
(b) Compare and contrast different types of switching methodologies?
14.(a) Explain the method of congestion avoidence?
(b)Explain about UTP and TCP features with neat diagrammatic representation.
15.(a) Explain the structure of Data encryption standard. List various security services.
(b) Explain about RSA algorithm with illustration.
Question paper code: 71385
Fifth semester
Computer science and Engineering
(Common to information technology)
(Regulation 2008/2010)
(Common to PTCS 2302-computer network for B.E (part-time) forth semester CSE Regulation 2009 and 10144 CS 503-Dats communication and computer network for B.E (part-time) Fifth semester CSE Regulation 2010)
Time- Three hour
Maximum mark-100
Answer all questions
PART A-10X2=20
1. What is flow control?
2. What is refraction?
3. What are the issues in data link layer?
4. What are the criteria used to evaluate transmission medium.
5. What are the responsibility of network layer?
6. What are datagrams?
7. What are the duties of transport layer?
8. What is difference between network layer delivery and transport layer delivery?
9. What is the basic model of FTP?
10. Give the formant of HTTP request.
Part b=5x16=80 marks
11.(a) Explain how to build network with OSI and TCP/IP reference model.
(b) Write short note on
(i) Reliable transmission
12.(a) Discuss the design procedure to build wireless LAN network.
(b) What are common ETHERNET implementation ? Discuss about the sublayer.
13.(a) Discuss about distance vector routing with illustration?
(b) Compare and contrast different types of switching methodologies?
14.(a) Explain the method of congestion avoidence?
(b)Explain about UTP and TCP features with neat diagrammatic representation.
15.(a) Explain the structure of Data encryption standard. List various security services.
(b) Explain about RSA algorithm with illustration.
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