Thursday, July 30, 2015

Anna University CS2401 COMPUTER GRAPHICS 2015 Question Paper

Anna University Previous Years Question Papers
Question paper code: 71397
Seventh semester
(Common to information Technology)
(Regulation 2008/2010)
Time- Three hour
Maximum mark-100
Answer all questions       
PART A-10X2=20
  1. Identify the contrast between Raster and Vector Grapkis.

  1. What is shear transformation?

  1. What is Mesh modelling?

  1. Draw the 3D viewing pipeline.

  1. Give the code snippet for setting up a coordinate system in openGL.

  1. Mention the uses of chromaticity diagram.

  1. What is Flat shading?

  1. What are the two type of textures applied on surfaces?

  1. What is a koch curve?

  1. What is CSG technique?

11.(a)(i) Summarize midpoint circle drawing procedure .
(ii)Use the above procedure to compute point on a circle with centre at (5,5) aand radius of 8 unit.
(b)(i) Rotate a triangle ((4,6)(2,2)(6,2)) above the vertex (4,6) by 1800  CCW and find the new vertices.
(ii) Prove the reflection is equal to rotation by 1800.

12.(a)(i) Write short notes on 3D transformations.
(ii)Present any two simple method for visible surface detection.
(b) Describe the projection in 3D.

13.(a) Describe about the most common used colour models used in computer Graphics.
(b)(i)Write short notes on technique for computer Animation.
(ii)Write code snippet for drawing basic 2D primitively in open GL.

14.(a)(i) How are diffused and specular components compute in a shafting model.
(ii) Write about Gouraud and Phong shading techniques.
(b)(i)How are shadows creating using textures? Give example
(ii) Present a brief discussion on Reflections Mapping.

15.(a)(i)How are peano curves produced? Give example.
(ii) Write short notes on Mandelbrot.
(b)Describe the process of a Ray Tracing. Explain how it is used to create Reflections and Transparency.
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