Thursday, July 30, 2015

Anna University EC2311-COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING 2015 Question Paper

Anna University Previous Years Question Papers
Question paper code: 71457
Fifth semester
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
(Common to PTEC 2311-COMMUNICATION Engineering for B.E.(part time)
(Regulation 2008/2010)
Time- Three hour
Maximum mark-100
Answer all questions
PART A-10X2=20
1. Define the propagation constant of transmission line.

2. For a transmission line having incident voltage of 5V and reflection voltages of 3V, determine SWR.

3. What is shape factor?

4. Write any four primary application of FDM.

5. Differentiate Bit rate and Band rate of digital modulation.

6. What are the most four common method of pulse modulation?

7. What are  the type of character used in data communication codes?

8. List the channels and their data rate used in ISDN.

9. What are the primary advantages of optical fiber system?

10. Define angel of elevation.

11.(a)(i) Define and derive the free space path loss.
(ii) Space wave propagation distance can be extended by increasing either the transmit or receive antenna height or both –justify the statement with the required diagram and derivation.


(b)(i) With a neat diagram , explain the process of matching a load to a transmission line with a shorted stub.
(ii)Perform the phasor analysis of input impedance for a transmission line less than one quarter wavelength long.

12.(a) For an AM-DSBFC modulator with a carrier frequency fc =100KHz and a maximum modulating signal frequency fm(max) ¬ =10KHz, Determine
(i) Frequency limit for upper and lower side bands.
(ii) Bandwidth
(iii) Upper and lower side frequency produced when the modulating signal is a single- frequency 3 KHz tone.
(iv)Draw the output frequency spectrum.


(b) Explain operation of Foster- seeley discriminator with the following.
(i) Schematic diagram
(ii) Vector diagram for    fin =f0
                                         fin <f0

13.(a)A PCM  system has the following parameters; a maximum analog input frequency of 4KHz a maximum decoded voltage at the received of ±2.55V and a minimum dynamic range of 46Db. Determine the following:
(i) Minimum sample rate
(ii) Minimum number of bits used in the PCM code
(iii) Resolution
(iv) quantization error.


(b) What is BPSK? With a neat block diagram, explain BPSK  transmitter. Also
Analyze the bandwidth consideration of BPSK.

14.(a)Determine the BCS for following and CRC generating polynomials:
Data G(x)=x7+x5+x4+x2+1
CRC P(x)= x5+x4+x1+x0


(b) What are the access control methodologies used in LAN? Explain the operation of Token ring with the following:
(i) Token frame layout
(ii)MAC sublayer frame layout.

15.(a)Describe briefly and compare the three type of optical fiber configuration?
(b) Discuss in detail about the frequency reuse concept of cellular network. Support your answer with the required diagram.

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