Thursday, July 30, 2015

Anna University FT2029/FT609 –APPAREL MERCHANDISING AND MARKETING 2015 Question Paper

Anna University Previous Years Question Papers
Question paper code: 71615
Sixth semester
Fashion Technology
(Common to Textile Technology (Fashion Technology))
Time- Three hour
Maximum mark-100
Answer all questions
PART A -10X2=20
1. Classify apparel industry.
2. List the variation factors to be considered in the product presentation.
3. Different between apparel merchandising and in an apparel industry.
4. State the effect of consumer on visual merchandising.
5. Enlist the factors affecting the product mix.
6. State the importance of trade fairs in fashion forecasting.
7. State the need for sourcing in an apparel industry.
8. Define just in time technology.
9. Give any two functions of apparel marketing.
10. Give the use of computer in sales promotion of an apparel industry.
PART B-5X16=80
11.(a) Explain the effect of environment people and economy on fashion.
11. (b)Discuss in detail about the various role of the fashion designer in an apparel industry.
12. 12.(a)Explain the functions of a merchandising in an apparel industry.
(b) Discuss on visual merchandising.
13.(a)Explain the various factors involved in the apparel product development.
(b)Explain the important of trend forecasting and the role of various forecasting sources.
13. 14.(a) Explain various aspects involved in sourcing of raw material and accessories in an apparel industry.
(b) Give detail notes on manufacturing resource planning.
15.(a)Discuss on various marketing strategies and factors influencing the apparel marketing.
(b)Explain the importance of advertisement and communication in  apparel marketing.

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