Thursday, July 30, 2015

Anna University MBA BA9206 ACCOUNTING FOR MANAGEMENT 2015 Question Paper

Anna University Previous Years Question Papers
Question paper code: 40206
First semester
Mechanical Engineering
Time- Three hour
Maximum mark-100
Answer all questions
PART A-10X2=20
1. What are the objectives of management accounting?
2. What is accrual concept?
3. How are losses prior to incorporation of a company treated?
4. What is buy back of shares?
5. What is inventory turnover radio?
6. What are the various application of funds?
7. What is value chain?
8. What are overhead variances?
9. What are the limitation of computerized accounting ?
10. What is codification of accounts?
11. (a)What is meant by Human Resource Accounting? State it advantages and limitation.
(b)The following the Tamil balance of Agarwal as on 31st December ,2013
Particulars Dr Cr
Stock on 1-1-2013             80,000
Insurance                            800
Purchases and sales          1,76,000                       3,24,000
Rent and Rates                  1,600
Wages                               24,600
Outstanding wages                                                     400
Debtors and creditors        41,000                           52,000
Carriage inward                 3,000
Returns                              4,000                              6,000
Discounts                           1,200
Printing and stationery       2,400
Bills Receivable                 6,000
Bank overdraft                                                         14,400
Furniture                             18,000
Cash at bank                       9,600
Cash in hand                       740
Interest received                                                     6,000
Plant and machinery          1,40,000
General Expenses                   1,200
Bad debts                            1000
Provision for doubtful debts                                       1,050
Outstanding Rent and Rates                                               90
Capital                                                                        1,08,000
                                                5,11,940                      5,11,940
Adjustment :
(i)Stock :31-12-2013 Rs41,000
(ii)Insurance prepaid Rs.80
(iii)Depreciate plant and machinery @5% and furniture @10%
(iv)A provision @5% on debtors is require for doubtful debts prepare profit and loss count for the year ended 31st  December 2013 and a balance sheet as on that date.
12.(a). What is need of alteration of share capital of a company? Explain the procedure for alteration of share capital of a company
(b)The madras company ltd .Was registered with an authorized capital of 30,00,000 in equity shares of Rs.10 each. The following balances extracted from its books as on 31-12-2013;
                                                    Rs                                              Rs
Purchases                             9,25,000 General expenses           84,175
Wages                               4,24,000 Stock 1-1-2013                 3,75,000
Manufacturing expenses     65,900Goodwill                              1,00,000
Salaries                                 70,000 cash in hand                       29,000
Bad debts                             10,675 cash in bank                       1,99,250
Director’s fees                    31,000P&L a/c
Debenture interest paid         45,000(Cr.balance)                       72,500
Preliminary expenses           25,000 6%Debentures                    15,00,000
Calls-in-arrearers                 37,000 sundry creditor                    2,90,000
Plant and machinery            15,00,000 Bills payable                   1,67,500
Premises                               16,50,000 sales                               20,75,000
Interim dividend paid          1,87,500 General Reserve              1,25,000
Furniture and fixture            35,000 sinking fund investment      50,000
Sundry debtors                     4,36,000Subscribed and fully paid
                                                      up capital                                   20,00,000
You are require to prepare trading and profit and loss account for the year ended 31st December 2013 and the balance sheet as on that date after making the following adjustment;
(i)Value of stock on 31-12-2013 Rs.4,55,000
(ii)Depreciate plant and machinery  by 10%
(iii)Write off Rs.2500 from preliminary expenses
(iv) Outstanding interest on sining fund invesments Rs.5000
(v)Transfer Rs12,500 to general reserve and Rs5000 to sinking fund
(vi)Provide Rs4250 on debtors for doubtful debts
13.(a)What is cash flow statement? What are its advantages?
(b)Following information relates to a contractor in 2013 taken a building contract . The contract amount wasRs24,00,000
Material issued                                  3,50,000
        Wages paid                                        6,60,000
        General charges                                  24,000
      Plant installed at site on 1st July 2013     1,20,000
Materials in hand at the ended                      24,000
Wages accrued due                                       24,000
Work certified                                            12,00,000
Work completed but not certified             30,000
Cash Received                                           9,00,000
Material transferred to other contractors        24,000
Material received from other contractors        6,000
Depreciation on plant is to be provided at 10%p.a
Prepare contract account and show what part of the profit on contract should be taken to credit in 2013.
14(a) What is marginal costing ? Discuss its managerial application.
(b)From the given data calculate:
(i) Material price variances
(ii)Material usage variances
(iii)Material cost variances
(i)250kgs of raw material is required for producing 175kgs of finished product
(ii)Price of material per kg.Rs.4
(i)Production 52,500kgs
(ii)Material consumed 70,000kgs
(iii)Cost of materials Rs2,73,000
15(a)What are the advantages of computerized accounting system?Discuss the costs involved in computerized accounting system.
(b)What are the prepackaged accounting softwares available? Discuss their features

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