Thursday, July 30, 2015

Anna University ME 2354/ME62/10122 ME 604 AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING 2015 Question Paper

Anna University Previous Years Question Papers
Question paper code: 71862
Sixth semester
Mechanical Engineering
(Regulation 2008/2010)
(common to PTME 2354/10122 ME604 AUTOMOBILE Engineering for B.E (part -time) fifth/sixth semester - Mechanical Engineering - Regulation 2008/2010)
Time- Three hour
Maximum mark-100
Answer all questions
PART A-10X2=20
1. Name the resistances to vehicle motion.
2. Name the components of engines.
3. What is gasoline infection system?
4. What are the function of a clutches.
5. Name the type of clutches.
6. Why slip joint is important?
7. Name the type of front axles?
8. What is mean by traction control?
9. What are fuel cell?
10. Write down the advantage and disadvantage of bio-diesel.

11.(a)(i)Discuss the frame type chassis constructions with neat sketch.
(ii)Explain about any two types of stub axles.
(b)(i)Write about king pin inclination.
(ii)Discuss about toe-in and toe-out.
12.(a)(i)Discuss about CRDI system.
(ii)Explain about the working principle of three way catalytic converter.
(b)(i)Explain about electronic ignition system with neat diagram.
(ii)Discuss the construction and working of rotary distributer  type diesel injection system.
13.(a)(i)Discuss about working principle of single plate clutch.
(ii)Explain about gear shifting mechanism with neat diagram.
 (i)Explain about the working principle of torque converter with neat diagram
(ii)Discuss about the working principle of differential with neat diagram.
14(a). With an aid of neat sketch Explain about the working principle of pneumatic suspension system.
(b) With an aid of neat sketch Explain about the working principle of antilock braking system.
15.(a)(i)Discuss about hybrid vehicles.
(ii)Explain the electrically operated vehicles.
(b)(i) Explain about the working principle of LPG fuelled engines.
(ii)Discuss the working of fuel cells.

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