Thursday, July 9, 2015

Bharathiar University Administration M.B.A first year: operations management. Question paper 2013

University: Bharathiar University
Course: M.B.A
Subject : operations management
Year of  Question Paper : 2013

Answer any FIVE out of Eight questions.
All questions carry equal marks
(5 * 20 = 100)

1. Explain the types of production systems with a neat diagram.

2. Elaborate on the types of Layouts with examples.

3. Discuss how aggregate production planning is related to Master Production Schedule.

4. What are the functions influencing effective capacity and what are all the factors favouring overcapacity and under capacity? Discuss..

5. Discuss the steps involved in conducting ABC analysis and classify the following items into A,B and C. The company records provide the following information. 

Item Annual usage in numbers Cost(Rs. per unit)

G1 40,000 .07
G2 1,95,000 .11
G3 4,000 .10
M1 1,00,000 .05
M2 2,000 .14
M3 2,40,000 .07
M4 16,00 .08
P1 80,000 .06
P2 10,000 .07
P3 5,000 .09

Discuss the components of ordering cost and shortage cost.
6. The average demand rate for a particular raw material fr a company is estimated to be 1000 times per month. The distribution of demand rate is found to be normally distributed with a standard deviation of 200. the average lead time for the procurement of the raw material has been observed in the past to be approximately 3 months and the normally approximated lead times have a standard deviation of 1 month. If the service label is to be 95% determine the required level of safety stock in situation where in both demand rate and lead time varies.

7. What are the approaches of TQM?

8. What do you understand by ISO 9000 series of standards and what are the benefits of these standards?..
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