University: Bharathiar University
Course: M.B.A
Subject : Corporate communication
Year of Question Paper : 2012
MBA Degree second year examination April 2012
Corporate communication
Time: 3 hours
Maximum marks: 100
Answer any five questions. Each question carries 20 marks.
1. Discuss any three types of advertising with the help of suitable examples.
2. How is direct marketing different from advertising? What are the different tools used for of direct marketing?
3. What is project proposal? Discuss the guidelines to prepare a project proposal.
4. What are academic reports?
5. What do you mean by documenting sources? How it is done?
6. What are the factors influencing the choice of a particular medium of communication?
7. List some of the tools and their relative importance in media relations.
8. Mention some of the considerations to be kept in mind in making media relations..
Course: M.B.A
Subject : Corporate communication
Year of Question Paper : 2012
MBA Degree second year examination April 2012
Corporate communication
Time: 3 hours
Maximum marks: 100
Answer any five questions. Each question carries 20 marks.
1. Discuss any three types of advertising with the help of suitable examples.
2. How is direct marketing different from advertising? What are the different tools used for of direct marketing?
3. What is project proposal? Discuss the guidelines to prepare a project proposal.
4. What are academic reports?
5. What do you mean by documenting sources? How it is done?
6. What are the factors influencing the choice of a particular medium of communication?
7. List some of the tools and their relative importance in media relations.
8. Mention some of the considerations to be kept in mind in making media relations..
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