Thursday, July 9, 2015

Bharathiar University M.B.A first year: quantitative techniques for management. Question paper 2013

University: Bharathiar University
Course: M.B.A
Subject :  quantitative techniques for management.

Year of  Question Paper : 2013


Answer any FIVE out of Eight questions.
All questions carry equal marks
(5 * 20 = 100)

1. What are central measures? bring out their merits and demerits.

2. .Solve the following LPP by graphical method. Objective function z=0.6x1+0.8x2 is minimized

3. Subjected to the constraints

20x1 + 30 x2 >=900
40x1 + 30x2 >=1200
x1, x2>=0.

4. Describe the Transporataion problem. Illustrate any one of the three methods for finding initial feasible solution of the Transportation problem.

5. What is an Assignment problem? Discuss it's managerial applications with suitable examples.

6. What do you mean by waiting line model? Explain M/M/I model for infinite population.

7. Define 'Probability'. Discuss the applications of addition and multiplication rule in management.

8. A company uses annually 48,000 units of raw material costing Rs. 1.20 per unit. Placing each order costs Rs.45 and inventory carrying costs are 15% per year of the average inventory values.

a) Find EOQ
b) Suppose the company follow the EOQ policy and it's operates for 300 days a year, that the procurement time is 12 days and the safety stock is 500 units, find the reordering level, the maximum, the minimum and average inventory.
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