University: Bharathiar University
Course: M.B.A
Subject :Industrial relations management
Year of Question Paper : 2014
MBA Degree second year examination of May 2014
Industrial relations management
Time: 3 hours
Maximum marks: 100
Answer any five questions. Each question carries 20 marks.
1. Discuss the main objectives and functions of industrial relations management.
2. Enlist the need and significance of labour management relations.
3. Elaborate the various practical difficulties involved in the unionism in emergent sector.
4. Classify the various types of industrial disputes and suggest suitable prevention measures.
5. Elaborate the main provisions in industrial dispute act.
6. Explain the terms ESOP, QWL, Quality circles and Turn around management.
7. Explain the process, strategies and tactics involved in worker empowerment, with examples.
8. Draw the role of Labour Laws in the context of structural changes in Indian business scenario.
Course: M.B.A
Subject :Industrial relations management
Year of Question Paper : 2014
MBA Degree second year examination of May 2014
Industrial relations management
Time: 3 hours
Maximum marks: 100
Answer any five questions. Each question carries 20 marks.
1. Discuss the main objectives and functions of industrial relations management.
2. Enlist the need and significance of labour management relations.
3. Elaborate the various practical difficulties involved in the unionism in emergent sector.
4. Classify the various types of industrial disputes and suggest suitable prevention measures.
5. Elaborate the main provisions in industrial dispute act.
6. Explain the terms ESOP, QWL, Quality circles and Turn around management.
7. Explain the process, strategies and tactics involved in worker empowerment, with examples.
8. Draw the role of Labour Laws in the context of structural changes in Indian business scenario.
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