University: Bharathiar University
Course: M.B.A
Subject : Methodology of training and development
Year of Question Paper : 2013
MBA degree examination December 2013 second year
Methodology of training and development
Time: 3 hours
Maximum:100 marks
Answer any five questions.
1. What do you mean by training? Distinguish between training and development.
2. What are the skills that a trainer needs in using participants training methods? Select a participant training method and illustrates your answer with example.
3. Explain the principle executive training methods and suggests a suitable training package for middle level executives in a large organization.
4. What are the features of typical learning organization? How do these features enhance the capacity to learn in a learning organization?
5. What are the objectives of performance appraisal in an organization?
6. How would you get an interviewee to talk during an appraisal interview?
7. What is promotion? Explain the relative merits and demerits of seniority and merit as the basis of promoting employees.
8. Write short notes on career anchors and learning curves...
Course: M.B.A
Subject : Methodology of training and development
Year of Question Paper : 2013
MBA degree examination December 2013 second year
Methodology of training and development
Time: 3 hours
Maximum:100 marks
Answer any five questions.
1. What do you mean by training? Distinguish between training and development.
2. What are the skills that a trainer needs in using participants training methods? Select a participant training method and illustrates your answer with example.
3. Explain the principle executive training methods and suggests a suitable training package for middle level executives in a large organization.
4. What are the features of typical learning organization? How do these features enhance the capacity to learn in a learning organization?
5. What are the objectives of performance appraisal in an organization?
6. How would you get an interviewee to talk during an appraisal interview?
7. What is promotion? Explain the relative merits and demerits of seniority and merit as the basis of promoting employees.
8. Write short notes on career anchors and learning curves...
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