University: Bharathiar University
Course: M.B.A
Subject : Performance management:systems and strategies
Year of Question Paper : 2013
MBA Degree second year Examination April 2013
Performance management: systems and strategies
Time: 3 hours
Maximum marks: 100
Answer any five questions. Each question carries 20 marks.
1. Explain the concept of performance objective setting. You are the HR manager of a SME and works as head of HR department with two HR executives reporting to you. Develop performance objective of these two executives using SMART framework, assuming their roles are different.
2. Explain the concept of performance standards. How such standards are decided?
3. Explain the concept of Assessment Centre Approach in performance management.
4. What is performance counselling? How it is done?
5. Explain the features of PMS . How it is developed?
6. What are the four pillars of managing performance?
7. Explain the concept of performance related compensation design. How performance related pay is decided?
8. Write short notes on performance metric, human assets accounting methods x performance management theatre and pay calibration..
Course: M.B.A
Subject : Performance management:systems and strategies
Year of Question Paper : 2013
MBA Degree second year Examination April 2013
Performance management: systems and strategies
Time: 3 hours
Maximum marks: 100
Answer any five questions. Each question carries 20 marks.
1. Explain the concept of performance objective setting. You are the HR manager of a SME and works as head of HR department with two HR executives reporting to you. Develop performance objective of these two executives using SMART framework, assuming their roles are different.
2. Explain the concept of performance standards. How such standards are decided?
3. Explain the concept of Assessment Centre Approach in performance management.
4. What is performance counselling? How it is done?
5. Explain the features of PMS . How it is developed?
6. What are the four pillars of managing performance?
7. Explain the concept of performance related compensation design. How performance related pay is decided?
8. Write short notes on performance metric, human assets accounting methods x performance management theatre and pay calibration..
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