University: Bharathiar University
Course: M.B.A
Subject : Organizational development and change
Year of Question Paper : 2013
MBA Degree second year examination April 2013
Organizational development and change
Time: 3 hours
Maximum marks: 100
Answer any five questions. Each question carries 20 marks.
1. What is meant by organizational development? What are its goals? How far is it relevant in India?
2. Organizational change and development have become very imperative in view of dynamics of external environment conditions and internal tensions and strains . Elucidate and discuss some approaches to manage change.
3. Prepare a plan for developing your own organization, in view of the organization in managing change.
4. Sensitivity training enables the participants to acquire enhanced sensitivity to their own behaviour, the actions of others and the nature of group formation. Discuss.
5. What do you understand by action research? Discuss the varieties of action researches used for OD.
6. Examine the current and emerging trends relating to different aspects of OD.
7. What is grid organization development? What are the processes involved in grid organization development?
8. Explain the following:
Process consultation approach of OD
Role of consultant
Team building
Survey feedback...
Course: M.B.A
Subject : Organizational development and change
Year of Question Paper : 2013
MBA Degree second year examination April 2013
Organizational development and change
Time: 3 hours
Maximum marks: 100
Answer any five questions. Each question carries 20 marks.
1. What is meant by organizational development? What are its goals? How far is it relevant in India?
2. Organizational change and development have become very imperative in view of dynamics of external environment conditions and internal tensions and strains . Elucidate and discuss some approaches to manage change.
3. Prepare a plan for developing your own organization, in view of the organization in managing change.
4. Sensitivity training enables the participants to acquire enhanced sensitivity to their own behaviour, the actions of others and the nature of group formation. Discuss.
5. What do you understand by action research? Discuss the varieties of action researches used for OD.
6. Examine the current and emerging trends relating to different aspects of OD.
7. What is grid organization development? What are the processes involved in grid organization development?
8. Explain the following:
Process consultation approach of OD
Role of consultant
Team building
Survey feedback...
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