University: Bharathiar University
Course: M.B.A
Subject :Organizational development
Year of Question Paper : 2013
MBA Degree second year exam April 2013
Organizational development and change
Time: 3 hours
Maximum marks: 100
Answer any five questions. Each question carries 20 marks.
1. Discuss the importance of diagnostic activities as emphasized by Beckhard.
2. Explain the logical progression of events that unfold overtime in managing an OD program.
3. Explain TQM appears to be highly congruent with OD approaches and values.
4. What are self_managed teams and how they are relevant to socio_technical system design?
5. Discuss the importance of group dynamics in the management of change.
6. Discuss few group decision making techniques for effective management.
7. Discuss briefly the history of organizational development.
8. Describe the role of change agent in the process of organizational development.
Course: M.B.A
Subject :Organizational development
Year of Question Paper : 2013
MBA Degree second year exam April 2013
Organizational development and change
Time: 3 hours
Maximum marks: 100
Answer any five questions. Each question carries 20 marks.
1. Discuss the importance of diagnostic activities as emphasized by Beckhard.
2. Explain the logical progression of events that unfold overtime in managing an OD program.
3. Explain TQM appears to be highly congruent with OD approaches and values.
4. What are self_managed teams and how they are relevant to socio_technical system design?
5. Discuss the importance of group dynamics in the management of change.
6. Discuss few group decision making techniques for effective management.
7. Discuss briefly the history of organizational development.
8. Describe the role of change agent in the process of organizational development.
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